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any chance to make this bot become a progression bot?

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Def not soon. its not on the impossible list tho.

But before any thought gets spend, we need to see final release of awakening.

After that we should bug alk to do it!

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really it would probably be best if instead of bugging Alk to make the bot a progression feature..expand more on the bots scripting capabilities...have the players build what they need..old bot i used to use on COnquer online 2.0 had an amazing scripting feature that just was endlessly wow..you could make it do anything a player could do...the bot sadly went down about a year ago after the company started ripping out major game features(premium currency drops and such) from the game in attempts to deter botters and ruin the game for players. The reason it was the bot bad though was because it killed 1,000+ monsters in 60 seconds while a real person would be lcky to get 150 max..(It was a clientless Proxy bot that allowed 50+ accounts to run at once clientlessly and it was amazing for botters/horrible for players while it lasted)

I'm not saying make this bot into that...I'm saying instead of breaking you ass trying to make a auto leveler that will progress after certain levels build a script system that players can utilize and code whattever the want the bot to do....just dont make the script language something only a programmer could understand.. and since it seems that you have already located the character level information(what level a character is) and the bot already detects monsters and such it probably would be a lot easier to build upon waht scripting there already is.



.I would link you to a example of the work this guy did but i can't fond anything anymore cept 4 year old forums that never got updated to go along with the updates..If you are curious about what im talking about check out Conquergenius.com through Wayback machine..had an amazing comunity and suprisingly very little dumbassery

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Yeah auto questing is planned, and we have the data to do it, be patient tho, it's a big feature involving a lot of coding and testing :P

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Yeah auto questing is planned, and we have the data to do it, be patient tho, it's a big feature involving a lot of coding and testing :P

great stuff :ugeek:

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Yeah auto questing is planned, and we have the data to do it, be patient tho, it's a big feature involving a lot of coding and testing :P


You are the man, that's why I have been using this bot for 2 years and still feel happy of it  :P  :P . couldn't wait for you to announce it

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Awesome! And thanks to you and the crew for all of your hard work. I'm new to bottling, and the forums, and this has been some of the most enjoyable gaming I've had in years. Keep up the good work!

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Do you have to have WPs enabled for the bot to progress? I ask because the GUI allows you to identify which ones you do/don't have and i was curious if it would walk them if all are no's.

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