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Stuck in a loop at map device

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Happens rather often to me. Bot moves to map device (in the lab), opens it, immediately closes, then opens again and so on.



2015-06-16 16:07:37 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 2...
2015-06-16 16:07:37 [info] -> Taking item from stash...
2015-06-16 16:07:40 [info] -> Moving to position(2375.288818, 3189.870117). State Priority: 3
2015-06-16 16:07:40 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 3
2015-06-16 16:07:41 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 3
2015-06-16 16:07:41 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 3
2015-06-16 16:07:42 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 3
2015-06-16 16:07:42 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 3
2015-06-16 16:07:43 [info] -> Selecting area...
2015-06-16 16:07:45 [info] -> Selecting area...
2015-06-16 16:07:46 [info] -> Selecting area...
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Reinitializing exploration and transition maps
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:51 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Opening map...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Clicking on map device
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:56 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:57 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:58 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:58 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:07:59 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:00 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:00 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:01 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:02 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:03 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:03 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:04 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:05 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:05 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:06 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:07 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:08 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:09 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:09 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:10 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:11 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:12 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:12 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:13 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:14 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4
2015-06-16 16:08:15 [info] -> Moving to position(6125.000000, 5603.260742). State Priority: 4

2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Entity(281, 515) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Found new entity position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Player(278, 518) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Entity(281, 515) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Found new entity position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Player(278, 518) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:52 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> Entity(281, 515) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> Found new entity position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> Player(278, 518) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:53 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Entity(281, 515) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Found new entity position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Player(278, 518) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Entity(281, 515) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Found new entity position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Player(278, 518) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:54 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> Entity(281, 515) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> Found new entity position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> Player(278, 518) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519)
2015-06-16 16:07:55 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(277, 519)->Pos(277, 519) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000

2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> State Processing took: 656 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 672 ms

2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> World update took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:52 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> State Processing took: 672 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 672 ms

2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> World update took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 141 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> State Processing took: 656 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 797 ms

2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> World update took: 16 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 16 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:53 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> State Processing took: 656 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 672 ms

2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> World update took: 15 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 15 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:54 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> State Processing took: 672 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 687 ms

2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> World update took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 16 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-06-16 16:09:55 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms


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Solution Get Zana and bot from hideout.


Seriously getting zana is easy and her map device and some free extra increased quantity drop % from the map device, is just a win compared to eternal laboratory. If you ask me, they should just remove eternal lab from the game. :)

Edited by RaZe

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