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I have a question, by botting

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If i only use a set of bot.

how much chance of being blocked?

do i need reapply for an account?

can i use 24hours everyday????

i don't want the main account is blocked........><"


p.s. my english is not verry well, Vexed



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What is your first language? there might be a forum for it here.

As of right now there are Chinese, German, French, and Russian

if your going to bot, Make sure that the bots always run on a VPN to avoid your Main accounts IP and bots/mules IP Mixxed up.


there is no definative chance of being blocked...some will never get banned other will get banned @ lvl 10. Depends on how smartly you play.


Botting 24/7 will definantly boost your chances of being detected since what person can stay up 168 hour straight playing (#) map(s) constantly without stopping.


From the Looks of it admins tend to sit in towns and flag suspicious players constantly selling thing and rerunning maps for horus straight. My way to avoid this(hopefully no garuntee) is going to my HO and selling/stashing there.


if an account gets banned you will have to create a new account.


Second suggestion create mule accounts that you do NOT bot on that only get used to transfer currency to your main(make sure Mule accounts are also on VPN.)


I like to use Softether VPN. it allows you to choose which connection to use andn you can sort by location/ping/others connected/Speeds/ect...Make sure that the connection you use only retains data for 2 weeks rather than permanently(i jus tlike things to be gone eventually)


Also make sure that each bot runs on a Virtual machine/alternate computer since you can only have one bot per system/Virtual machine

Check out This Post for more information about using the bot properly and efficiently

Edited by MasterOfSilence

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