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VMware Botting Rig Help

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Hello, i am interested in buying this bot for my new botting rig project.


However i need some help with it ...


I saw in this thread :https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1231-howto-run-in-vmware-workstation-9/


that he was able to run 20 vmwares with that setup however it is hard for me to believe because i can only run 4 vmwares with my i5 2500k setup.


Either way i wanted to ask here how many vmwares + poe + exiledbot i can run with this setup:


Corsair Hydro Series H60 84,9

MSI GTX 960 2GD5T OC 193

Intel® Core™ i7-4790K 344

Sea Sonic X-Series X-650 KM3 650W ATX 2.3 124

Corsair Carbide Air 540 119,9

ADATA Premier Pro SP900 2,5" SSD 128 GB x2 129,8

MSI Z87-G43 91,9

Seagate ST2000DM001 2 TB 79,9

Crucial DIMM 16 GB DDR3-1600 Kit x2 215,8




Or if this build wont even get near 20 then a suggested build would be great - my max budget is around 2000€

Edited by hamba

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Well you see the difference between ur setup and the link.. Is that he had 64 GB ram and you only have 16, if you only can run 4 you have a memory leak on ur GTX graphic card that causes crashes.. Nvidia GTX can have some problems, I use AMD graphics for botting.


I got 16gb ram and can run 8 bots myself.  If i'd had 64 gb ram and a rig like the guy in that post, i'd probably be able to run 20 aswell :)


Donate get a key and read the VM guides made by the support staff. :)

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Yea, I got only 8gb ram on the 2500k , the build posted is the one I want to get - and wondered how many bots I could run with it.


And I want to get 32gb ram there is a x2 in the line :D - so you suggest AMD over NVIDIA for workstation botting?


*thanks for your post btw* I really want to build a nice botting rig.


Any better build you might have in mind , would be happy to read up on it (2k€ budget)

Edited by hamba

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running 20 bots is close to a full time job ^^ keep that in mind.

keeping it organized, getting ips for these dudes, all tons of work in times of Anti Cheat


if u wanna go for it, i wont stop u

but id first buy like 3 licences and setup 2-3 vms on ur pc right now to see how it works out

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running 20 bots is close to a full time job ^^ keep that in mind.

keeping it organized, getting ips for these dudes, all tons of work in times of Anti Cheat


if u wanna go for it, i wont stop u

but id first buy like 3 licences and setup 2-3 vms on ur pc right now to see how it works out

Yea I got kinda all prepped so just the machine is missing... and I am still struggling with the build.

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keep in mind that u need one licence per bot aswell, that a invenstment aswell oO


i feel ppl going that big like u intend to do dont share their stuff in forums.


mayb check out the vmware forum aswell, to see what hardware is best used for virtualization. collect some info and discuss again with us :)

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keep in mind that u need one licence per bot aswell, that a invenstment aswell oO


i feel ppl going that big like u intend to do dont share their stuff in forums.


mayb check out the vmware forum aswell, to see what hardware is best used for virtualization. collect some info and discuss again with us :)

Yea probably :(

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Well the expansion is coming in late june / early july... So before you waste ur money on a rig, everything will become different on what rig you need to bot in the expansion.. We can't give a straight answer, but I expect my current rig wont be able to run 8 bots when the expansion gets released..


Yeah for botting AMD over Nvidia, my opinion. It's not like you can tailor a computer for PoE anyway, anything should work use common sense and dont overspend if you intend to only bot.. Get most bang for ur buck!


If you have decent knowledge about computers in general it should be enough to go here https://www.cpubenchmark.net/

and  check different hardware and prices, and build a budget bot computer.  Radeon R9 290 for 232 bucks, hell yeah!


Also you need multiple license keys to test ur rig out... Because botting on the free license wont make you higher then level 45 and you wont earn profit botting at low level. Botting at low level doesnt use as much resources versus farming end game content.


I'm not gonna give out any build suggestions, as PoE is coded so poorly that any user may encounter problems no matter what rig they have.

Edited by RaZe

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alright thanks raze , i will just go make a computer and see where it leads me..


thanks to all replies.

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