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EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

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Dear EBTeam,


I tried the new v0.30 and EB crashes each 1-2 hours. I'm using it in maps farming with stealth mode in another process. Previous version was much more stable.


I don't know if i'm the only one or if someone else is concerned. If someone has the same issue, please add message ! 

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Running maps for a few hours now and still no crash.

I guess you all used fresh new cfg files ? 


What are the 5 last lines of timer.log when crash occurs ?

Is there anything I should know to reproduce it ?

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same here, i definitely think it's a memory leak. about ~1 hour of running, the program that it's attached to has over 1 mil k memory allocated.

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Hey alkpone thanks for the reply. Anyway I do have this problem and also for some reason the bot keeps picking up my inventory items etc and just get stuck there. Responds on bot using skills are slightly delayed as well.

Edited by stgfreak

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I might be a little late to the party here, but I'm running version .30f with poor results when running in VM.  I know it's a poor bug report when you're not present to see it happen, but if I let it run and watch it, it never seems to fail, when I go away and come back most of the time the process is no longer running.  I'm running within VMWare 7 using the linked lite version of Windows 7.


Based on your previous post, Alkpone, I am going to paste a few lines from my log files, though from what I can see, not a lot here to help.  I haven't tried the linked version from this thread yet, and will likely do so, even though I assume changes in .30e are included in the .30f that I am currently running.


timer.log (last 5 seconds recorded):

2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 187 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:05 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> State Processing took: 1140 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 1343 ms

2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 188 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> World update took: 375 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 375 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Map item runner took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Complex area handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Stasher took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 265 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Item Identifier took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [timer] -> Item Seller took: 0 ms

last few seconds of lastrun.log

2015-05-10 04:22:03 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2015-05-10 04:22:04 [info] -> Logging into the game
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [info] -> Logging into the game
2015-05-10 04:22:09 [info] -> Bot started
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\config.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\system.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2015-05-10 04:22:12 [info] -> Logging into the game

last few seconds of pathfinding.log

2015-05-10 04:22:03 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2015-05-10 04:22:04 [info] -> Logging into the game
2015-05-10 04:22:06 [info] -> Logging into the game
2015-05-10 04:22:09 [info] -> Bot started
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\config.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\system.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from Z:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2015-05-10 04:22:10 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2015-05-10 04:22:12 [info] -> Logging into the game 

As with OP I would say that it runs for a couple hours usually at most before closing unexpectedly.  With each release I've reconfigured everything from scratch and just haven't had great luck inside a VM.  I'll give the version linked inside here a try for a bit this evening and see how it does and report back.  I do feel like this is something I should've reported sooner, as I've also been experiencing it since version .30x and never seemed to have issues in .29x


Locally I run Windows 8.1 and can't say that I've seen the bot crash at all if I'm running on my local resources instead of in VM so it seems to me (without doing more testing) that this is only happening in VM - at least my experiences thus far indicate such.


I do wonder if it is memory related as when I look at my performance view I'm using 1.5g/2g memory (1.4 allocated to PoE), so if something in exiled-bot was using up the majority of remaining memory maybe this could be causing the issue, however I have 2 gigs also allocated to swap and this is running on a high performance SSD so I would expect no degraded performance even if I began swapping.  


Is there any additional debugging that can be turned up somehow?


Overnight I'm going to do some confirmation testing running on local resources to confirm that it will run for an extended duration without crashing and then based on those findings I might allocate more physical ram to the VM to see if that improves anything.  In the meantime, I leave what I have for details here, let me know if I can provide anything further or if you have any thoughts on the situation.


EDIT: Also want to note that in recent versions running in my VM it has not been very kind about attaching to a process after a crash.  I have to restart the VM in order to allow it to attach to any processes.  I wonder if this somehow ties in.  I've been using the 32-bit version of User Account Settings as a place to house it, I'm thinking of installing something a little less complex such as Notepad++ that runs in 32-bit mode to use as a hiding place.  Just wanted to add this note.

Edited by amarketkindaguy

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I have crashes every couple hours too in every VM using 0.30f. "The program has stopped working"

Edited by SupZerg

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Not sure if this will help you at all but this is from my crash this morning, event log in Windows application event view:


Faulting application name: notepad++.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x538f8123
Faulting module name: ExiledBot.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x554922ae
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000b7b50
Faulting process id: 0xac
Faulting application start time: 0x01d08a8b46d888d0
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Faulting module path: C:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\ExiledBot.dll
Report Id: 994dd788-f6e0-11e4-bec5-94de8028a532
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 
Log Name:      Application
Source:        Application Error
Date:          5/10/2015 1:48:44 AM
Event ID:      1000
Task Category: (100)
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SENSORED
Faulting application name: notepad++.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x538f8123
Faulting module name: ExiledBot.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x554922ae
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000b7b50
Faulting process id: 0xac
Faulting application start time: 0x01d08a8b46d888d0
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Faulting module path: C:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\ExiledBot.dll
Report Id: 994dd788-f6e0-11e4-bec5-94de8028a532
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 
Event Xml:
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-05-10T06:48:44.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe</Data>
    <Data>C:\ebot\Exiled Bot Beta v0.30f\ExiledBot.dll</Data>

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So, I ran my bot last night without crashes....BUT this was because I only ran Library. I had a hunch that the way EB is storing a Map run in memory may be the reason it's crashing.


If it helps any to the EB devs, I think it's not dumping the mapping logic in memory properly after running a Map.


So I suppose I'll be running Library for now, which is a huge bummer since my bot can handle up to level 74 maps.


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