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Bot GUI not showing/opening after selecting "Attach to" or "Normal Mode"

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i´m new to this forum and I thought about buying this bot, since a friend of mine using it and it looks awesome.


I wanted to test the trial first / see if i get it running on a VM.


So I set up my Virtual Machine with Windows 7 Home 64 bit, followed the guide (installed all necessary software), fixed all DLL errors.


So my problem is that I can start the software (no errors) I ran it as admin also, but after I tried starting it on Normal Mode OR trying to attach it to a process nothing happened. I asked my friend and he said the GUI should normally pop up at that moment. But it doesn´t, no errors at all.


I also looked into my Task Manager and the process seems to run properly.


Furthermore I tried using Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit and the exact same problem occured.


If I try to run it on my host computer it works flawlessly. I don´t get behind the reason why the GUI is not popping up. I changed the resolution but that didn´t fix the problem either.


Can some1 help me? :P





Edited by Dethepwnz

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I'm getting the same problem.  Does anyone know what might be the problem.


I've installed the .net framework 4.0

I've installed the end user runtime for both 64 and 32 bit

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Sorry dude really no idea what's happening, if you run everything as admin and installed DX end user I can't see what's wrong.

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I'm also getting this error.



Running program as admin.

Fresh Windows 7 64bit install.

confirmed direct x is installed.

confirmed framework 4.x is install.


attached to stream and iexplorerx86 and I still can't seem to get the program to boot.

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I have this problem and was looking for a better answer to the problem but ill share my answer.

after running the bot it will create a spoof program, (i run mine in lightshot or fraps) as a .dat


After Running The Bot And then closing it i notice that the bot would not open. so i will close the 

program i attached it to and the .dat and it then will run after starting it.

if you do not attach try finding the program name in prosses and closing it.

this worked for me i hope it works for you :)

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