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Bloodlines mods

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Not a bug, but a serious issue that should be addressed since bloodlines mobs will be part of game content.

I tried bot in new temp league and it had really huge problems with Phylacteral and Necrovigor mods, killing the first one took forever and bot even failed to kill Necrovigor mobs.

Since bot can handle well rare mobs with vaal aura and vaal totems, it shouldn't be too hard to make him attack the certain mob from phylacteral pack? And to implement some logic for dealing with necrovigor, for example to make him ignore these mobs after 5 seconds from the attack start and to continue attack after 10 seconds of ignoring them (during this time bot would run to other place and mobs die eventually).

Edited by SupZerg

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Yeah sure, the idea is to make the bot as much efficient as possible. However, bot isn't firstly designed to be used in hardcore :P


So what would be the best behavior when bot detects a pack of mobs that has :

- Phylacteral mod ?

- Necrovigor mod ?

- Any other nasty mod ?


Btw really? they will keep that bloodlines mods stuff in the game now for any league ?

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There wasn't official statement regarding in what way they will implement bloodlines features into the core game, but I assume bloodlines feature is similiar to the nemesis one, so implementation will be the same. If GGG won't implement bloodlines into the core, than it doesn't matter. But the experience shows they will.


I found those mods retarded even when playing by myself while leveling my bot.


I think you should check if you can make bot understand which mob from phylacteral pack is currently vulnerable and make him attack this mob, then another vulnerable one when link chages.


Necrovigor seemed for me especially retarded. Seems like these mobs should be killed apart from the places where each of them dies. Or smth like that. I saw them dieing without my help after I killed one of them and left the others with almosr zero hitpoints. I ran away, they followed me and died soon. Didn't get this.

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Ye 1 month race is just a taste on how Act 4 will become. Better prepare alk. :)


+ People already reported it many times the issues with bloodline mods and nothing was ever done.. I never botted Hardcore so I dont care, but i'm pretty sure the customers care.

Edited by RaZe
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I've read on wiki that necrovigor invulnerability can be removed with removing corpses. Maybe cwdt + detonate dead could work? Gonna try it.

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Ok here is an RC version : www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/ExiledBotAvoidHeraldTotems.zip

Bot should ignore these ghost totems, tell me if it works, didn't had a lot of time to test it as I have to go now for a few hours.

Some other stuff have been changed, like how player data are read, so thanks to report any issue with this version as well.

I'll do more testing and release working version asap.

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got another report - tries to kill the guardian

Bearers of the Guardian (Requires monster level 60)

Every mob slowly builds an animated guardian that can't be killed until the entire pack has been cleared.

Edited by adremmelech

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Good thing GGG will remove phylacteral link mobs in expansion and remake necrovigil to be not such a pain in the ass.

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Ok here is an RC version : www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/ExiledBotAvoidHeraldTotems.zip

Bot should ignore these ghost totems, tell me if it works, didn't had a lot of time to test it as I have to go now for a few hours.

Some other stuff have been changed, like how player data are read, so thanks to report any issue with this version as well.

I'll do more testing and release working version asap.

its not working, also its not really ignors plink and necro...+ stops(crash) during items pickup are back  :(

bot has problems with auras not casting them from time to time.

+ would u make bot chance from stash like transing/alching maps not from inventory?

Edited by TOSViolation

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I am using Beta version v0.29b

Phylacteral mod &  Necrovigor mod works nice.

Obelisk mod should just ignore the Totems.

Guardian could be ignored too if you have a good Build. Or only ignore him if Vaal immoral call is up.


My Bot is always clicking once to the right before some action(pathing, before selling, moving to hideout)

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Obelisks should be handled properly in this version.

I'll try to handle guardians in upcoming releases.

My bot still attacks obelisks in v0.29d.

Guardian is also a big issue. Bot could check whether it deals damage to guardian or not. If not, then ignore for some time and switch to other mobs.

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Still hunting the bugs, I'm like level 65 and these mod doesn't seem to appear so often.

not sure its wise to work on these bloodlines mods right now. some (p-link for sure) are gonna be removed forever, some are changed (chris w. posted sth. along these lines) and the race with these mods last only another week. just a heads up :P


tho might be better to wait for the expansion (beta) to see which mods still exist, and if something is changed.

Edited by stef

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not sure its wise to work on these bloodlines mods right now. some (p-link for sure) are gonna be removed forever, some are changed (chris w. posted sth. along these lines) and the race with these mods last only another week. just a heads up :P


tho might be better to wait for the expansion (beta) to see which mods still exist, and if something is changed.

I think mods will be implemented to Standard league shortly after the end of 1M race. Currently bot has problems with attacking lightning totems and invulnerable guardian. These mods likely will be untouched.

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