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bot is not selling items. please help fast

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well same problem here, i tried both enable and disable


even tried this pickit that i made just in case :

[Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
[Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"

[Linked] == "3" # [SellItem] == "true" // Sell for chroms
[Linked] == "4" # [SellItem] == "true" // Sell for chroms

[Type] == "Scroll of Wisdom" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all id scroll
[Type] == "Portal Scroll" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all tp scroll
[Type] == "Blacksmith's Whetstone" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Blacksmith's Whetstone
[Type] == "Armourer's Scrap" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Armourer's Scrap
[Type] == "Glassblower's Bauble" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Glassblower's Bauble
[Type] == "Albino Rhoa Feather" # [StashItem] == "true" // Albino Rhoa Feather

[Category] == "Map" // Take all maps

[Type] == "Sacrifice at Dawn" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map
[Type] == "Sacrifice at Noon" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map
[Type] == "Sacrifice at Dusk" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map
[Type] == "Sacrifice at Midnight" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map

[Sockets] >= "5" && [Linked] >= "5" # [StashItem] =="true" // Keep 5/6L
[Sockets] == "6" && [Linked] <= "4" # [SellUnid] == "true" // Sell 6S 

 [Type] == "Added Chaos Damage"   
 [Type] == "Added Cold Damage"   
 [Type] == "Added Fire Damage"   
 [Type] == "Added Lightning Damage"   
 [Type] == "Additional Accuracy"   
 [Type] == "Anger"   
 [Type] == "Animate Guardian"   
 [Type] == "Animate Weapon"   
 [Type] == "Arc"   
 [Type] == "Arctic Armour"   
 [Type] == "Arctic Breath"   
 [Type] == "Bear Trap"   
 [Type] == "Blind"   
 [Type] == "Blood Magic"   
 [Type] == "Blood Rage"   
 [Type] == "Burning Arrow"   
 [Type] == "Cast on Critical Strike"   
 [Type] == "Cast on Death"   
 [Type] == "Cast on Melee Kill"   
[Type] == "Cast when Damage Taken"   
 [Type] == "Cast when Stunned"   
 [Type] == "Chain"   
 [Type] == "Chance to Flee"   
 [Type] == "Chance to Ignite"   
 [Type] == "Clarity"   
 [Type] == "Cleave"   
 [Type] == "Cold Penetration"   
 [Type] == "Cold Snap"   
 [Type] == "Cold to Fire"   
 [Type] == "Concentrated Effect"   
 [Type] == "Conductivity"   
 [Type] == "Conversion Trap"   
 [Type] == "Critical Weakness"   
 [Type] == "Culling Strike"   
 [Type] == "Curse On Hit"   
 [Type] == "Cyclone"   
 [Type] == "Decoy Totem"   
 [Type] == "Determination"   
 [Type] == "Detonate Dead"   
 [Type] == "Devouring Totem"   
 [Type] == "Discharge"   
 [Type] == "Discipline"   
 [Type] == "Dominating Blow"   
 [Type] == "Double Strike"   
 [Type] == "Dual Strike"   
 [Type] == "Elemental Hit"   
 [Type] == "Elemental Proliferation"   
 [Type] == "Elemental Weakness"   
[Type] == "Empower"   
[Type] == "Enhance"   
[Type] == "Enlighten"   
 [Type] == "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun"   
 [Type] == "Enduring Cry"   
 [Type] == "Enfeeble"   
 [Type] == "Ethereal Knives"   
 [Type] == "Explosive Arrow"   
 [Type] == "Faster Attacks"   
 [Type] == "Faster Casting"   
 [Type] == "Faster Projectiles"   
 [Type] == "Fire Penetration"   
 [Type] == "Fire Trap"   
 [Type] == "Fireball"   
 [Type] == "Firestorm"   
 [Type] == "Flame Totem"   
 [Type] == "Flammability"   
 [Type] == "Flicker Strike"   
 [Type] == "Fork"   
 [Type] == "Freeze Mine"   
 [Type] == "Freezing Pulse"   
 [Type] == "Frenzy"   
 [Type] == "Frost Wall"   
 [Type] == "Frostbite"   
 [Type] == "Glacial Hammer"   
 [Type] == "Grace"   
 [Type] == "Greater Multiple Projectiles"   
 [Type] == "Ground Slam"   
 [Type] == "Haste"   
 [Type] == "Hatred"   
 [Type] == "Heavy Strike"   
 [Type] == "Ice Nova"   
 [Type] == "Ice Shot"   
 [Type] == "Ice Spear"   
 [Type] == "Immortal Call"   
 [Type] == "Incinerate"   
 [Type] == "Increased Area of Effect"   
 [Type] == "Increased Critical Damage"   
 [Type] == "Increased Critical Strikes"   
 [Type] == "Increased Duration"   
 [Type] == "Infernal Blow"   
 [Type] == "Iron Grip"   
 [Type] == "Iron Will"   
[Type] == "Item Quantity"   
 [Type] == "Item Rarity"   
 [Type] == "Knockback"   
 [Type] == "Leap Slam"   
 [Type] == "Lesser Multiple Projectiles"   
 [Type] == "Life Gain on Hit"   
 [Type] == "Life Leech"   
 [Type] == "Lightning Arrow"   
 [Type] == "Lightning Penetration"   
 [Type] == "Lightning Strike"   
 [Type] == "Lightning Trap"   
 [Type] == "Lightning Warp"   
 [Type] == "Mana Leech"   
 [Type] == "Melee Damage on Full Life"   
 [Type] == "Melee Physical Damage"   
 [Type] == "Melee Splash"   
 [Type] == "Minion Damage"   
 [Type] == "Minion Life"   
 [Type] == "Minion Speed"   
 [Type] == "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance"   
 [Type] == "Molten Shell"   
 [Type] == "Multiple Traps"   
[Type] == "Multistrike"   
 [Type] == "Phase Run"   
 [Type] == "Pierce"   
 [Type] == "Point Blank"   
 [Type] == "Poison Arrow"   
[Type] == "Portal"   
 [Type] == "Power Charge On Critical"   
 [Type] == "Power Siphon"   
 [Type] == "Projectile Weakness"   
 [Type] == "Puncture"   
 [Type] == "Punishment"   
 [Type] == "Purity of Fire"   
 [Type] == "Purity of Ice"   
 [Type] == "Purity of Lightning"   
 [Type] == "Purity"   
 [Type] == "Rain of Arrows"   
 [Type] == "Raise Spectre"   
 [Type] == "Raise Zombie"   
 [Type] == "Ranged Attack Totem"   
 [Type] == "Reave"   
 [Type] == "Reduced Duration"   
[Type] == "Reduced Mana"   
 [Type] == "Rejuvenation Totem"   
 [Type] == "Remote Mine"   
 [Type] == "Righteous Fire"   
 [Type] == "Searing Bond"   
 [Type] == "Shield Charge"   
 [Type] == "Shock Nova"   
 [Type] == "Shockwave Totem"   
 [Type] == "Slower Projectiles"   
 [Type] == "Smoke Mine"   
 [Type] == "Spark"   
 [Type] == "Spectral Throw"   
 [Type] == "Spell Totem"   
 [Type] == "Split Arrow"   
 [Type] == "Stun"   
 [Type] == "Summon Skeletons"   
 [Type] == "Sweep"   
 [Type] == "Tempest Shield"   
 [Type] == "Temporal Chains"   
 [Type] == "Trap"   
 [Type] == "Viper Strike"   
 [Type] == "Vitality"   
 [Type] == "Vulnerability"   
 [Type] == "Warlord's Mark"   
 [Type] == "Weapon Elemental Damage"   
 [Type] == "Whirling Blades"   
 [Type] == "Wrath"   
 [Type] == "Glacial Cascade" 

 [Type] == "Vall Storm Call"
 [Type] == "Vaal Cyclone"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Ice Nova"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Immortal Call"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Fireball"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Rain Of Arrows"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Glaciel Hammer"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Warp"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Spectral Throw"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Spark"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Arc"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Molten Shell"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Strike"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Cold Snap"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Ground Slam"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Detonate Dead"   
 [Type] == "Vaal Summon Skeletons"    


then i took this pickit from the forum


// Welcome to the AEIZ Exiled Bot default Pickit
// You'll find the item names list in the ItemNameList.txt file, in the main bot folder, if some name are missing, please send them to us in pm and I'll add them to upcoming versions.
// You'll find the mods list in the ModsList.txt file, in the main bot folder, remember to only use expressions from the right (ie. local_minimum_added_physical_damage, base_maximum_energy_shield, ...).

// There are two special mods here to make pickit maker's life easier:
// [TotalResistances] that will make the bot sum all resistances on each item and compare them to the value (ie. [Category] == "Helm" # [TotalResistances] > "50", to keep every helm that has more than 50 sum up resistance value.  
// [DPS] that will make the bot compute the dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. [Category] == "1Handed" # [DPS] >= "250").
// [Elemental DPS] that will make the bot compute ONLY the elemental dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. [Category] == "1Handed" # [Elemental DPS] >= "200").
// [Physical DPS] that will make the bot compute ONLY the physical dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. [Category] == "1Handed" # [Physical DPS] >= "250").
// Expressions to the left are only here to help you choose the right ones

// Syntax is: [Key] operator "Value"
// Key could be replaced by any of the following list, operator could be ==, <=, >=, <, > and Value could be any corresponding value (ie. a number if type is Quality)
// Key List: Type, ItemLevel, MapLevel, Armor, Evasion, Energy Shield, Computed Armor, Computed Evasion, Computed Energy Shield, Rarity, Quality, Sockets, Linked, and all the mods found in ModsList.html file.
// You can use a mod by its index (if it is not in the ModsList.txt file) this way [modindex] == "value", ie. [587] == "30" for +30 int mod. Press F7 to dump inventory and find mod indexes.
// Flags that can be used are : [StashItem] =="true", [SellItem] == "true", [SellUnid] == "true". Please note that [SellItem] tag will ALWAYS make the bot identify item.
// About Key Rarity, only operators == and != can be used and possible values are: "Normal", "Magic", "Rare", "Unique".
// You can use different equipment categories as well, possible values: "Chest", "Shield", "Helm", "Ring", "Amulet", "Flask", "Weapon", "1Handed", "2Handed", "Gloves", "Boots", "Belt", "Map".
// Operators && and || are available, parenthesis are working.
// # is used to separate mods checked after item identification. If an item matchs mods before the # and doesn't match the ones after, it will be sold to vendor.
// If you didn't noticed, // is used for comments.

// /!\ Be careful!!! local_ mod name means that the mods is applied on the stats of the items rather than the stats of your char. local_attack_speed_+% for instance is applied on the weapon only
// and attack_speed_+% is global on the character (ring,amy,belt...) /!\

// If you want to chance an item, simply add for instance [Type] == "Glorious Plate" # [ChanceItem] == "true", to make the bot pickup any glorious plate it find and use an orb of chance on it (Kaom's Heart FTW).
// Be careful, if you set up the Glorious Plate to be Chanced, no need to add any line for the bot to pick up the white item or sell magic and rare. Just setup [Type] == "Your Item" # [ChanceItem] == "true" and the bot will do the rest.

//                                                                                 //
//                                 EXAMPLE                                         //
//                                                                                 //

// Blanket coverage
// [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
// What it means : Pick up any gloves. Id the item. Then Sell it.
// Exception handling
// [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [StashItem] == "true"
// What it means : When the gloves are Identified, if they have an attack speed modifier  above a 10% value, it will stash the item.
// [Type] == "Short Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" && [Quality] >= "10" // Random example 1
// [Type] == "Faun's Horn" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Linked] == "4" # [StashItem] == "true" && [121] == "27" && ([base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= 25) // Random example 2
// [Type] == "Faun's Horn" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Linked] == "4" # [121] == "27" && ([base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= 25) // Random example 3 (yes even without [StashItem] == "true", bot stashes on match)
// [Type] == "Occultist's Vestment" && [Rarity] == "Unique" // Random example 4
// [Type] == "Engraved Wand" # [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage]>="10" && [accuracy_rating_+%]=="100"  // Random example 5
// [Type] == "Medium Life Flask" // Random example 6
// [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "80" && [151] >= "20" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" // Random example 7
// [Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true" && [base_maximum_life] >= "80" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" // Random example 8

//**************************** // ************ //////// ****** /////////// **** ///////// **********************//
//*************************** //// *********** // ***************** // ************** // ***********************//
//************************** //  // ********** // ***************** // ************* // ************************//
//************************* // ** // ********* // ***************** // ************ // *************************//
//************************ // **** // ******** /////// ************ // *********** // **************************//
//*********************** //////////// ******* // ***************** // ********** // ***************************//
//********************** // ******** // ****** // ***************** // ********* // ****************************//
//********************* // ********** // ***** // ***************** // ******** // *****************************//
//******************** // ************ // **** //////// ****** //////////// ** ////////// **********************//
// If i've been helpful in anyway, and you feel like thanking me, feel free to do any of the following:-        //
// 1. Give me a Rep                                                                                             //
// 2. and/or Donate to my paypal account: [email protected]                                                 //
// 3. and/or Donate to my Bitcoin wallet: 12prDd3Si4poXxZhGmcEzsoQEZoWCYZy2B                                    //

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  CURRENCY                                       //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //

[Type] == "Scroll of Wisdom" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all id scroll
[Type] == "Portal Scroll" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all tp scroll
[Type] == "Blacksmith's Whetstone" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Blacksmith's Whetstone
[Type] == "Armourer's Scrap" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Armourer's Scrap
[Type] == "Glassblower's Bauble" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Glassblower's Bauble
[Type] == "Albino Rhoa Feather" # [StashItem] == "true" // Albino Rhoa Feather

[Type] == "Sacrifice at Dawn" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map
[Type] == "Sacrifice at Noon" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map
[Type] == "Sacrifice at Dusk" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map
[Type] == "Sacrifice at Midnight" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  SOCKETS                                        //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //

[Sockets] >= "5" && [Linked] >= "5" # [StashItem] =="true" // Keep 5/6L
[Sockets] == "6" && [Linked] <= "4" # [SellUnid] == "true" // Sell 6S

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  GEMS                                           //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
// For quality gem, use the min_gem_quality for the moment

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  MAP                                            //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //

[Category] == "Map" # [StashItem] == "true"// Take all maps
//[Category] == "Map" [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true"// Take all maps
//[Category] == "Map" [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true"// Take all maps
//[Category] == "Map" [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"// Take all maps

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  CHANCE                                         //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //

// [Type] == "Glorious Plate" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Kaom's Heart
// [Type] == "Hubris Circlet" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Crown of Eyes
// [Type] == "Gavel" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Mjolnir
// [Type] == "Spine Bow" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Voltaxic Rift
// [Type] == "Siege Axe" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Soul Taker

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  RARE                                           //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
[Rarity] == "Normal" # [SellUnid] == "true" //Sell all Rares
[Rarity] == "Magic" # [SellUnid] == "true" //Sell all Rares
[Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true" //Sell all Rares
//[Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true"//Stash all Rares

//[Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"
//[Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"

//For storing belts and jewelry for chaos orb recipe, Uncomment the 3 below and comment the 3 above to stash jewelry. Also, delete the jewelery from the accessories section.
[Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare"
[Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare"
[Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare"

//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //
//                                  UNIQUE                                         //
//                                                                                 //
//                                                                                 //

//[Rarity] == "Unique" # [SellItem] == "true" //Sell all Uniques
[Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"//Stash all Uniques

//[Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique"
//[Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique"



my pickit.ini file contains

; Pickit config file

; Activate the smart pickit Item Pickupt Definition (Check \Configuration\Pickit\standard.default.pd)




Don't know where to dig now ... Any ideas?

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thats really strange. usually enabling smart pickit should activate it. default pickit works 100%. make that one work before u get ur own :)


u both playing garena? in what areas u trying to vendor stuff?


when u post ur logs plz use stuff like https://gist.github.com/ ;)

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this night i tried a clean bot, fresh, latest release
, factory settings except some parameters i put




same shit

90% items are trash ...



EDIT:forgot about the log file, there's a bit

2015-06-09 00:26:00 [info] -> Bot started
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Desktop\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.40e\Exiled Bot Beta v0.40e\Configuration\default\config.ini
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Desktop\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.40e\Exiled Bot Beta v0.40e\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Desktop\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.40e\Exiled Bot Beta v0.40e\Configuration\default\system.ini
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Desktop\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.40e\Exiled Bot Beta v0.40e\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Desktop\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.40e\Exiled Bot Beta v0.40e\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Desktop\Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.40e\Exiled Bot Beta v0.40e\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2015-06-09 00:26:01 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\Àäìèíèñòðàòîð\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini


ps: my encodint is utf-8 on windows 7 ultimate

Edited by 0xDEAD

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same shit

90% items are trash ...

What do you mean? You said that bot doesn't vendor stuff.

Edited by SupZerg

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What do you mean? You said that bot doesn't vendor stuff.


Yes. You are right, the bot keep picking white, blue items, even non chromatics, and stash them in the chest.


This night, i deactivated the box on the smart pickit profile. So, logically, the bot should not pick items at all. But i got some of white trash items in the chest.


It's maybe because of the bot clicking randomly on items on the floor and pick them without intention.

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Yes. You are right, the bot keep picking white, blue items, even non chromatics, and stash them in the chest.


This night, i deactivated the box on the smart pickit profile. So, logically, the bot should not pick items at all. But i got some of white trash items in the chest.


It's maybe because of the bot clicking randomly on items on the floor and pick them without intention.

Right, you need to disable constant item highlight in PoE UI settings and activate key pick up there.

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Right, you need to disable constant item highlight in PoE UI settings and activate key pick up there.

I enabled "Use key to loot in POE settings"

It seems to work, no blue/white items are picked


But i still wonder why the bot wasn't selling them even if i added in my pickit the line corresponding to sell white/blue/yellow ...

as in the example default pickit you see something like this:

[Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true"

so this line should work everytime ? :

[Rarity] == "Normal" # [SellItem] == "true"
Edited by 0xDEAD

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Are you using the free version of it?


and at this time i didn't took care if there was other restrictions than the 46th lvl, maybe i should take a look again ...

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