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Question on Mac Addresses

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Ok so, I spoke to Alkpone earlier on the Shoutbox, And im really unsure on this now as I have read 1 guide saying you TMAC to change your mac address but then alk is saying you dont need it... So heres my question:


Im currently using VMWare to run my bots, Now the problem ive got is if my client logs out for any reason whatsoever I get the error of "You are logging in from a new location" and its to do with TMAC.


Now when I look on TMAC im not actually getting my Mac Address from the Local Area Connection 1, Im getting a VMware Mac Address, If this is the case then is my actual modem mac address hidden from GGG? Would be an absolute treat if I could scrap TMAC completely as I will just be able to leave the bot running 24/7 with idle intervals.



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You using a VPN? Because I never got "You are logging in from a new location" because of TMAC, only because of crap VPN's changing my IP / dropping and reconnecting in the blink of an eye caused You are logging in from a new location for me for example


boxVPN will give you this crap because the VPN sucks and it's cheap, anything that's really cheap usually sucks.


TMAC should not trigger You are logging in from a new location, only ur internet connection disconnecting / changing ip while being online can according to my research.

Edited by RaZe

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Ive tried and tested it and its only TMAC that causes it, If I just use my VPN and log in to an account, I can exit to login and log straight back in, My VPN's IP is constantly the same, I monitor it, On a nighttime I put the IP on Notepad, And check it in the morning see if it has changed, But it doesnt.


Like I said, Logging in without TMAC active workds perfectly fine, As soon as my mac changes it just becomes wierd...


Is it imperative that I change my MAC Address? As my actual modem mac address is different to the MAC address issued by VMWare, But not sure if thats just a dummy MAC and my real MAC address is hidden behind it.



VMware, Inc.  (Address: 3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94304, UNITED STATES)


Thats the MAC address im currently getting with VMWare


The one im using atm is:




Thats the address for it


And my Actual MAC Address is:



So the VMWare one and my Actual one from my Host PC are different, So im guessing I shouldnt have to change them?


Also these are the emails I get from PoE:


First time it comes up I get this:

Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "Rosendaal, Gelderland, Netherlands".


However, After I put the code in, It comes up again asking for a code to which I get this in the next email:

Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "N/A, N/A, Netherlands".


Works after putting unlock code everytime, Just the odd occasion it will switch to Rosendaal From NA


However its still asking me to enter the password EVERYTIME I log in even though I dont get any new IP's

Edited by Darakuli

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You dont have to use TMAC.


And by looking at those locations, im pretty sure you are using Private Internet Access VPN. Each time you reboot / get disconnected you will have to unlock ur code, this is what you get for using a VPN that gives you a dynamic IP address that changes locations around everywhere. Has nothing to do with TMAC sometimes when you reboot you might get lucky and get in the same IP range that you used earlier.


The unlock thing is VPN related 100% and has nothing to do with TMAC.


Those TMAC addresses has nothing to do with Netherlands.


Solution: Get a VPN with a static IP address.


To reduce the problem you could off course just uninstall TMAC but I firmly believe you will have this problem over 50% of the times you reboot ur computer or ur VPN disconnects. Could just be that TMAC disconnects ur VPN.


You wrote:

Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "Rosendaal, Gelderland, Netherlands".


Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "N/A, N/A, Netherlands".


And this is because you are using a VPN with a dynamic IP address.


If you don't know what i'm trying to explain you here I suggest just uninstall TMAC connect to your VPN login to game / reboot computer login to VPN see if it says "changed location / unlock if it doesnt do it the first time, it surely will do it tomorrow or the day after that" because that's how rolling with a dynamic IP address is.


Also each time you connect with TMAC ur internet connection will reconnect and the chances that ur location / ip range changes is pretty large each time you reconnect with a VPN service with a dynamic ip. To make that clear.

Edited by RaZe

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Yea I didnt check for a Static IP which I should of done, But its not the "new location" on every reboot etc... Its litterly every single time I log out or exit to login screen with bot, I have to retype, I would be happy if it happened once a day as I only bot for around 6 hours or so a day but its not, Im currently having to resort to letting my character die all the time instead of chickening because it will not log back in.


Also with you saying "You dont have to use TMAC" Can GGG find my actual mac address when its being run through the VM's interface? Because if not ill just scrap using TMAC anyways.

Edited by Darakuli

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