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Bot doesn't work since I paid for it (level 45+)

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So this bot worked really great until I paid for it once I reached level 45, and now it’s not working at all.

It zones to a map, and it may kill 2-3 normal mobs but then it just sits there while shit beats on her.

I tried several different maps in Act 3 (Cruel), and read through the forums to figure out what the best maps are. I tried rebuilding the profile. I tried taking every skill off but the ONE skill I want the bot to use (RoA)


 it either A- just sits there doing nothing while mobs are beating on it at the waypoint or nearby the waypoint

B - walks around for 2-3seocnds then just stays there until it idles out and goes back to town and rezones to a new instance. At this point its completely unusable for any of my 45+ characters.


Also if I hit that I unlocked up to merciless Act 1 – It breaks the map and won’t work. I have to set it to cruel Act 3 or it will not “pick” the zone properly and will zone me to the normal version of the zone.


It is almost is like the “pick” function is off as if I’m using the wrong resolution on the game (800x600 is what I’m using).


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Sometimes if you have a aura picked in your settings but you aren't currently using an aura then it will try to use the arua so the bot will just sit there and do nothing.

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Sounds like your skill configuration is wrong. Please copy / paste ur skill configuration to me and I'll help you out. Or just write what skill you use on what button + min range max range and priority.


Make sure you also have windows aero enabled. and the right Map settings on last act unlocked / difficulty.

Edited by RaZe

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