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Bot is d/c when entering zone

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Hi Guys


I've been having this issue for the last 6 months and I'm hoping someone can help me. I've never been able to bot more than 2 - 4 hours continuously as my bot will always disconnect after this time. Here's what happens


Bot will be in docks farming

Bot will TP back to town because inventory is full

Bot will identify and stash items successfully

Bot will click on way point and select "docks"

Bot will enter "docks"


(This is where is all goes wrong)


Bot appears to disconnect

Mouse is no longer engaged by bot (you can freely move it to press around your desktop / access your start button)

Max run is no longer functioning

Bot just idles

Bot cannot re engage


When I notice this I will have to press "start" manually for my bot to continue. This is really annoying when you wake up in the morning on to find that you bot done 10 runs before it got d/c.


I've seen people post similar issue but never found a solution.


I use my move function on my LMB


See attachment for log of last run just before I got d/c


Anyone know how to fix this?







Last Run.txt

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So bot doesnt get "Not responding" & Game doesnt crash right, and you dont get the level 45 requirement message? If that's the case I've had this problem myself, never really found the root of the problem but got a few guesses and tips to try fix it for you.


Could be a performance issue / memory leak on ur side that's causing it.

Are you running the game on ultra low settings / Limit FPS with dxtory are you using a SSD hdd?

Also would be nice to know if ur botting with VM + your system specifications, ram + cpu + graphic card etc.


What version of the Bot + what's your latency and is the latency stable? Garena or Global PoE?

Edited by Ash

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Are you running the game on ultra low settings?




Adapter: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 670

Display Mode: Windowed

Resolution: 800 x 600

Vsync: Ticked

Shadow Quality: High

Antialiasing Quality: High

Antialiasing Quality: Off

Texture Quality: High

Texture Filtering: 2 x Anisotropic Filtering

Post Processing: Ticked

Screenshake: Ticked


Are you using a SSD HDD?




Model: Samsung 840 PRO


Am I botting with VM?




System Specs


OS: Windows 7 Ultimate

CPU: i7-3770k 3.5GHz

GPU: Geforce GTX 670


HDD: Samsung 840 Pro 240gigs

Internet connection: ADSL 2+  wired connection from router to desktop


Bot Version?


0.24J however I've been botting literally everyday for the past 4 months = ) and this seems to happen on all versions, sometimes I get my lucky streaks, these might last even up to 3 days then it falls apart and I'm back to square 1




30 - 40


Is it stable?


Yes, for the most part, it does spike when I download / browse the internet however I only really do my botting when I'm at work or when I'm asleep so latency is generally low. Internet connection is stable even when surfing / watch streams I don't notice any unusual spikes or anything like that.


So bot doesn't get "not responding" bot doesn't crash right?


To be honest it does crash a fair bit too however I cant over look the fact that just as much as it crashes it also just disconnects without any errors at all. I noticed a lot of the times it did crash was because I had my antivirus on and it would pick up the bot as a virus and delete the exe or attempt to delete it which would result in the bot crash. Recently I've turned off my antivirus but still getting pure disconnects on a regular basis.

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I got a GTX 580 and had major troubles with it in the past, actually alot of setups especially GTX series seem to have problem with PoE. all sorts of weird stuff happend.

Sounds very much like performance drop due to a memory leak somewhere.



Could you try the ultra low settings: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/177500/page/1

Also install Dxtory and limit fps to between 20-30 fps

Right click PoE Shortcut and add --nosound in target C:\PathOfExile.exe --nosound


Actually I had so many problems that i'm not even sure what really caused it. Could be a conflict with the mainboard to, so since I messed around in BIOS and set my 1600mhz RAM down to 1333 mhz @ 1.5v (if you have 1800mhz ram set it down to 1600mhz) everything was solved no more weird bugs. Believe it or not, but it's worth a try.

If you have overclocked anything you could also try setting it back to default settings in the BIOS, could provide more stability.


Pretty sure this is not bot related. PoE is poorly coded and many high end computer systems can't even play the game because of that.


Also if you download stuff  / share internet / streaming etc your bot can do some really weird stuff like stopping / crashing / even delete items you have equipped.


Report back if it makes it better/worse :)

Edited by Ash

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So I've changed a few settings, in my graphics options in POE client I've turned everything down to the lowest settings making sure I turned off Vsync / Post processing / Screen shake.


I've downloaded Dxtory and set my frames to 20 frames & added the --nosound command on the POE shortcut


Just went 20 HR without getting disconnected! So far its looking really good, thanks Ash for the troubleshooting tips, they have helped out a great deal. Now my stash is filling up and my XP bar is actually moving! :D Let the good times roll :lol:

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