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[Solution] Rerolling Mods On Loop

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The bot's just using alts on the same map endlessly no matter if the mod is configured to being rerolled or not.






// You can uncomment either of the two entries below to disable ALL ground effects. (Chilled, Desecrated, Shocking, Burning)
// [1062] = > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- Ground Effects        -- Area has patches of X ground                              -- Value : 20
// [1064] = > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- Ground Effects        -- Area has patches of X ground      
Uncommenting of any of these two lines = Alt loop.
Edited by Deityslayer

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Thank you for taking credit on what I just explained to you regarding the settings.


You are welcome, next time a thanks would be enough...

Edited by Ash

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Thank you for taking credit on what I just explained to you regarding the settings.


You are welcome, next time a thanks would be enough...


Actually I couldn't understand what you meant in shoutbox, it seems like you meant that I should remove comments after the queries themselves?


Anyways after testing I found the answer by myself, although you did indicate the patching mods, maybe that's what you meant, but you didn't explain it clearly.


Actually, you didn't even give me any type of answer, you just said to change it perfectly and it'll work.


You said "// infront of [patching mods]" 


How could I understand what you meant?


Anyways, here's the solution.


I give myself full credit. Not like it matters, it just seems like you're making a big deal out of it. Who else would've known the solution to this bug if you told nobody but shoutbox?

Edited by Deityslayer
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