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Running PoE in VM issue

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Created a new VM in workstation 9. Loaded it with Win7 x64. Shared my PoE folder. Installed .NET 4.5 and dx11. 


Launching PoE gives the wonderful "Could not find any compatible Direct3D devices" followed by DXUTCreateDevice failed.


I can't help but feel its a driver issue. My device manager is showing "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" instead of my Nvidia card (normal?). The driver is up to date according to device manager and the nvidia driver finder / package for my card is not finding the hardware. 


Hardware acceleration is on. Tried a few different compatibility options. Checked DxDiag and  while it shows DX11 is installed, DirectDraw and Direct3d are not available. Tried deleting the config.ini file that is suggested on the PoE forums repeatedly. 


Anyone running VMs seen this before? I'm running out of ideas.


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you've missread some of the guides. net framework 4 is what you need. not net framework 4.5.


Also make sure you have vmware tools installed. there's several guides to set up VM on the forum feel free to use them they have links to what you need.

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Oh and also we reccomend Vmware workstation from the 7.1.3 - 7.1.6 series, just take a look in the guides.

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I forgot to install VMware tools which apparently allows DX. 


I should mention .net 4.5 is backward compatible to 3.0 and DX is backward compatible assuming the hardware supports it. Its not critical to have specifically .net 3.0 or dx9.

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Lol thanks, you did solve my issue. 


You were also right about vmware 7. The graphics drivers in workstation 9 has a flicker / gamma issue. This can be worked around by keeping the f1 charts up but still a nuisance.

Edited by TadaceAce

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