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Explanation of the new skill priority thingy

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Can we get an explanation of the new skill priority thing

My char used to work awesome with the Distance settings would leap slam in. then cyclone rinse and repeat. since the path all it does is LEap slam no matter what i do.

What can i do to make it do what it used to do.

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; key or mouse button


; Min distance to use this skill


; Max distance to use this skill


; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an Aura


; Skill recast timer in milliseconds


; Priority of the skill


skill1_key=mouse_right ; Cyclone with 0 CD on lowest prio. Means he spams that key if mobs is in 1-180 range






skill2_key=mouse_wheel ; Leam Slam with 10 sec CD on higher prio than Cyclone. Means if mob gets in range 1-800 he will check that skill first if its not on CD he will cast it.






skill3_key=Q ; Blood Rage with 20 sec CD on highest prio. Means if a mobs gets in range 1-1000 he will cast Blood Rage if it is not on CD.






Ingame set LMB to move only, MW to Leap Slam, RMB to Cyclone and Q to Blood Rage.

If a mob gets in range 1000 Blood Rage will be casted (highest prio no other skill have range 1000) if this skill is on CD he will use LMB to get closer. On range 800 he will check Blood Rage 1st if its on CD he will check Leap Slam 2end if its on CD he will use LMB to get closer. If mob is in range 180 he will check for Blood Rage and Leap Slam if they are on CD he will spam Cyclone till nothing is left in 1-180 range.

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If this is really what priority is for then it is useless, because you defined which skill has to be used by distance.

I really would like to see Alkpone or BloodyBeast describe the function...

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no it isnt useless if you think right.... you can use more skills at the same distance now. because they have cd. prio system can be used to keep buffs up like cast blood rage every 20 sec on 0-800 with prio 8. i can show you manny usefull stuffs with that. btw discarg chara is possible with it.

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Yeah rondal that's exactly this.

I'm planning to make a more detailed guide about how to use that new feature.

In fact I already asked d12 if he wanted to make one but he didn't answer :P.

Rondal would you take a little of your time to do it with some example ?

If not I'll do it myself as soon as I got the time.

And if anybody has some idea to improve that system, feel free to share. I guess that next level would be to add revives handling, special monster detection and maybe monster concentration detection (to use or not aoe skills)..

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Which class takes higher priority. What I mean is does it evaluate distance first, then based on distance it chooses highest priority. OR Does it try and blindly cast the priority regardless of distance? I'm hoping it's the first example, because that would lead to a more precise botting experience.

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So this means, when multiple skills have the same distance:

e.g. skill 1 has distance of 100 to 300 and skill 2 has a distance of 150-175 and the mob is at 160 then both skills would be suitable. At this point the priority kicks in for which skill ist first cast?

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@alkpone I can try but my english is horrible. 1st i think its best to add somthing like what to do on 80% HP/ES and 50% HP/ES, because with that you easy can make the bot use granit flask (80%) or taunt totem (50%) in the right time. Than we need improved aura casting, like set T for auras if the bot join a map he will move mouse to T open skills and cast every aura he find and after casting them all he start the fighting rotine. With that we can use more skills. My ES based chara need 4 auras, blood rage, unstuck skill (lightnig wharp), attack skill and move only. He cant use any crys or curses.

I know how the new prio and cd stuff works but i need questions. Ill try to edit it on the first question.

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hey guys,


sry that i didnt answer yet ;) not sure why, but i mostly miss my pms. no clue why.

and im quite busy working and learning for exams atm. but ill try to get my ideas written down tonight.

will prolly start a new thread and trying to get all the ideas and infos into it from other threads aswell.

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