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Pickit Computed Armor/Evasion/ES issues

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Was wondering why I wasn't getting nearly as many rare armor pickits as expected so I did some research. Computed Armor Computed Evasion and Computed Energy Shield aren't calculating correctly and getting way lower numbers than they should sometimes. Here's the research:


Checked individual items with combinations of % increased and/or + rating with dump.log and compared to actual item stats.


% = Increased percentage

+AR = +Armour Rating

+EV = +Evasion Rating

+ES = +Energy Shield

% +AR = Increased percentage and +Armour Rating

%		% applies
% +AR		% and +AR applies
+AR		+AR applies

%		% applies
% +EV		% and +EV applies
+EV		+EV applies

Energy Shield
%		% applies
% +ES		% and +ES applies
+ES		+ES applies

%		% applies to only armor
% +AR		% applies to only armor, +AR applies
% +EV		% applies to only armor, +EV applies
+AR +EV		+AR and +EV apply

Armor/Energy Shield
%		% applies to neither
% +AR		% applies to neither, +AR applies
% +ES		% applies to neither, +ES applies
+AR +ES		+AR and +ES apply

Evasion/Energy Shield
%		% applies to only evasion
% +EV		% applies to only evasion, +EV applies
% +ES		% applies to only evasion, +ES applies
+EV +ES		+EV and +ES apply

As you can see, single armor types are fine, and +rating stats are fine. But, dual armor types' % values are not being calculated properly.


% increased armor and evasion only calculates for armor

% increased armor and energy shield does not calculate for either

% increased evasion and energy shield only calculates for evasion


Spent a good amount of time putting this together, so hopefully you can fix it quickly. Not being able to use Computed would make me have to rework my entire pickit that I've spent a LOT of time on.




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is it fixed? i'm still getting this problem with energy shield... for example:


[Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [Computed Energy Shield] == "48"  makes the bot sell this boots:


which shouldn't happen


bot version: Exiled Bot Beta v0.51e


Could you give me these boots ingame so I can test it on my computer ?

Please send me a pm if so.

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