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Extra Profits Technique

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So this may be obvious to alot of people but then again maybe not. One technique I have discovered to make ALOT of extra currency through botting is by using only 1 6 linked ability to farm, and using my remaining 26 gems slots to constantly level high demand gems.

Once the gem is level 20 it can vendored with 1 GCP to yield a 20% quality gem that you can then sell for 5-10GCP, or you can slap it back in and get a lvl 20 quality 20% gem that can sell for 1exalted + depending on the gem.

So yah just something to consider when your not really botting for XP and your only interested in currency. I also use a Astramentis Onyx Amulet on my character which provides me enough raw stats to level any gem to lvl 20, so I am not restricted to red or green gems only.

Not gonna go into what gems I prefer to level because no need saturating my market but I am sure it wont take you long to figure out what gems are the most valuable 20/20 or 20/1 (Quality/Level). Really any 20% gem can be quite valuable just need to find the right buyer whos build depends on it.

TLDR: Try to bot with 1 ability, a junk 6 socket backup weapon, and as many sockets as possible filled with valuable gems, once leveled vendor with a GCP and sell the 20%er, or put it back in and wait for 20/20 to sell.


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if you have a secondary weapon, you can also gem it and the gems level as you get exp too. i have a 5 socket two handed axe and do this.

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found another trick

if you have quality gems you dont want, you can sell them to a vendor and if you get 20 quality

so say 2x 10 quality gem you get 1 GCP

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