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Leveling up new characters

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Hello there!

I've got a question about leveling up(manually) new characters to bot them in merciless.

Is it safe to do it on my own windows where I play with my main IF if use a vpn on it for the 

time of leveling said character OR would it be safer to do it in my virtual machine?

I'm asking this because I'd had to change my virtual machine settings to make it run 

smoother and then afterwards change them back etc. Would be so much easier doing

it on your own windows.



Thanks in advance.


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do all ur work with the bots only on ur vm......or u will get once an ban on ur main acc 

if its better for u to use it on win......change ur mac to the same like ur vm and use the same vpn ip

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do all ur work with the bots only on ur vm......or u will get once an ban on ur main acc 

if its better for u to use it on win......change ur mac to the same like ur vm and use the same vpn ip

So all in all, I guess I'm better off leveling the characters on a VM. Not worth taking the risk.

Is there a guide though on how people boost their chars to merciless? Because doing it "the right way"

would take me like 2 days per character and there are ppl who bot like 20 accounts.  Is there some trick

I don't know about like a leveling script or it's just pure awful grinding?

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do all ur work with the bots only on ur vm......or u will get once an ban on ur main acc 

if its better for u to use it on win......change ur mac to the same like ur vm and use the same vpn ip

Could I point once again that changing the MAC is meaningless, _nobody_ can see your MAC address, especially true outside your LAN (using a VM is irrelevant as it is another device in your LAN). Your traffic is transmitted over tcp within your LAN and piggybacks over IP outside through your modem. Only device that knows about your MAC is your local machine and your modem/router internal side; your router uses the MAC to assign a local IP address (192.168... etc) which again is invisible outside the confines of your LAN (VM again is irrelevant, VPN is irrelevant). MAC is on the link layer, _physical_layer_ so only the next device up the chain can see the one before (PC MAC/VM MAC to router, router MAC to ISP (VPN irrelevant here, its an application not a physical device), ISP MAC to next in line chain etc). Version 4 of tcp which is commonly used only uses source/destination addresses on top of its payload, which stops at the end of your router (destination router to your modem router).


Hope this helps clearing up the mis-conception on MAC's. More info please read on the OSI model.

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Could I point once again that changing the MAC is meaningless, _nobody_ can see your MAC address, especially true outside your LAN (using a VM is irrelevant as it is another device in your LAN). Your traffic is transmitted over tcp within your LAN and piggybacks over IP outside through your modem. Only device that knows about your MAC is your local machine and your modem/router internal side; your router uses the MAC to assign a local IP address (192.168... etc) which again is invisible outside the confines of your LAN (VM again is irrelevant, VPN is irrelevant). MAC is on the link layer, _physical_layer_ so only the next device up the chain can see the one before (PC MAC/VM MAC to router, router MAC to ISP (VPN irrelevant here, its an application not a physical device), ISP MAC to next in line chain etc). Version 4 of tcp which is commonly used only uses source/destination addresses on top of its payload, which stops at the end of your router (destination router to your modem router).

Hope this helps clearing up the mis-conception on MAC's. More info please read on the OSI model.

Poe client can't send my mac to server?

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well, client could actually send mac address to the server but that information should be irrelevant for them. If they do collect my mac and I find it out, how could they explain the reasons for that?


edit: what rosie wrote means that they cant find out mac address from my connection to them, but there is no guarantee that the actual poe application isn't sending the mac to the server. Im not sure if they can get in trouble for that if they do record mac

Edited by sumnjicav

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well, client could actually send mac address to the server but that information should be irrelevant for them. If they do collect my mac and I find it out how could they explain the reasons for that?


Hmm jee let me think...




I dont think however they collect macs in any way ALTHOUGH it's been reported some people being banned and then making new acc from different ip but same machine and getting banned 20 min after without even botting so I don't know, perhaps they collect HWID who knows

Edited by roneo1234

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A MAC address according to OSI network model is used "to uniquely identify and control data from and to a physical device" at link layer level. Link Layer means in laymans terms hardware level. An application like a VM (VMware, VirtualBox etc are still "programs" which _emulate_ devices, they are _not_ devices) which means they do _not_ have physical pretext. Thus you can change a VM's MAC to anything you like without care or worry. This is only valid so your router _internally_ can identify your devices and do its shake-up, assign IPs, provide DNS service etc etc (say hello to UPnP).


Applications _CANNOT_ see MAC addresses without a link layer low level driver installed in your windows system. Check out the free WireShark software which can be used to monitor/analyse network traffic and you'll see that it does _NOT_ work without installing 3rd party provided "PCAP low level system driver" in your system (requires reboot, intercepts packets in advance when in use). Hint: PoE as an app does not require reboot!!!


So PoE (or any other _user_ software application in windows) CANNOT see MAC addresses (excluding any MS OS apps ofc), they only understand IP addresses. If you run 1 client or 1 million clients of PoE on your PC (if you can afford a cray or a small deep blue), there is only 1 MAC address they will all be "piggybacking" to direct their data to GGG. And that is, the _external_MAC_address_ of your router (which again only your ISP can see but lets keep things simple).


Bans have only meaning on _IP_addresses_ (VPN including as it is simply an exit tunnel to an IP address). Remember an email is directly linked to that IP address when you register and this _email/IP_pair_ updates every time you start the PoE client. It takes GGG a few hours (to a few days pending on how busy they are) to trace a different email address to an already banned IP address, that's why you see bans following new accounts or old accounts or a mix. If GGG or any other company in this world were to be able to find/trace/use your MAC address without your knowing and worst keep it for reference, god help them with the lawsuits that the heavens would open up against them (virus, malware miscreants excluded ofc)


Bottom line, you want to be safe and not run the risk of multiple bans (immediate or delayed), use multiple IP addresses for your client VMs, ie. a different VPN for each one of them. Or wait until your VPN is refreshes from the pool of IP's your VPN provider gives you. And if you have a router/modem with a static IP and it gets banned say bye bye forever to GGG etc etc


10+ years working for Panasonic/Matsushita as a protocol engineer I should know but don't take my word for it, please go and check out this easy to understand resource and see how things work http://computer.howstuffworks.com/osi1.htm



"Layer 2: data link layer

The data link layer provides a reliable link between two directly connected nodes, by detecting and possibly correcting errors that may occur in the physical layer. The data link layer is divided into two sublayers:

  • Media Access Control (MAC) layer - responsible for controlling how computers in the network gain access to data and permission to transmit it.
  • Logical Link Control (LLC) layer - control error checking and packet synchronization.


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do me a favor. Reverse the client, the section where it authenticates the client, the packet, what's that? The mac is being sent along with client authentication?? LIKEOhMyGodNoWai, this is coming from a 12 yr old kid who has too much time on his hands. Who needs a degree? Am I right?

Sorry have to call you out on this.
and the sites you are posting for info. And monkey on google can search those and figure it out, read the actual papers written about the protocols.

Edited by darkbluefirefly

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they do have a way to connect computers on different ip. i had bots runnning on vmare, one on my regular isp and one via mobile phone internet. Both banned at same time. every bot is using same connection always. might be the vmware

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do me a favor. Reverse the client, the section where it authenticates the client, the packet, what's that? The mac is being sent along with client authentication?? LIKEOhMyGodNoWai, this is coming from a 12 yr old kid who has too much time on his hands. Who needs a degree? Am I right?

Sorry have to call you out on this.

and the sites you are posting for info. And monkey on google can search those and figure it out, read the actual papers written about the protocols.

i don't know is getting my mac address by the law. It might be against privacy regulations

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Anybody got any advice about my 2nd question?


Is there a guide though on how people boost their chars to merciless? Because doing it "the right way"

would take me like 2 days per character and there are ppl who bot like 20 accounts.  Is there some trick

I don't know about like a leveling script or it's just pure awful grinding?

Edited by amaterasu

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Anybody got any advice about my 2nd question?


Is there a guide though on how people boost their chars to merciless? Because doing it "the right way"

would take me like 2 days per character and there are ppl who bot like 20 accounts.  Is there some trick

I don't know about like a leveling script or it's just pure awful grinding?




On the topic - I personally stopped using vm at all, more than 2 accounts running = ban sooner or later, yes I was using different vpns on all my vms.

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do me a favor. Reverse the client, the section where it authenticates the client, the packet, what's that? The mac is being sent along with client authentication?? LIKEOhMyGodNoWai, this is coming from a 12 yr old kid who has too much time on his hands. Who needs a degree? Am I right?

Sorry have to call you out on this.

and the sites you are posting for info. And monkey on google can search those and figure it out, read the actual papers written about the protocols.


GGGG owned u sir Rose

If you have reversed the client, you will also know that they parse your clipboard.....just food for thought for those out there

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If you have reversed the client, you will also know that they parse your clipboard.....just food for thought for those out there

Is it even legal? Bitches.

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do me a favor. Reverse the client, the section where it authenticates the client, the packet, what's that? The mac is being sent along with client authentication?? LIKEOhMyGodNoWai, this is coming from a 12 yr old kid who has too much time on his hands. Who needs a degree? Am I right?

Sorry have to call you out on this.

and the sites you are posting for info. And monkey on google can search those and figure it out, read the actual papers written about the protocols.

What can I say. I must be a 12yr old playing wow all day according to this! Girlfriend thank you for showing me that having spent $250 on a book while working on a l2-l3 stack for 3years was all for naught...


oops... I guess the monkey has the degree and knows how to read too...


I was under the impression that we were all trying to help the eb community but I guess not.

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