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About sumnjicav

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  1. sumnjicav

    Leveling up new characters

    i don't know is getting my mac address by the law. It might be against privacy regulations
  2. sumnjicav

    Leveling up new characters

    they do have a way to connect computers on different ip. i had bots runnning on vmare, one on my regular isp and one via mobile phone internet. Both banned at same time. every bot is using same connection always. might be the vmware
  3. sumnjicav

    Leveling up new characters

    well, client could actually send mac address to the server but that information should be irrelevant for them. If they do collect my mac and I find it out, how could they explain the reasons for that? edit: what rosie wrote means that they cant find out mac address from my connection to them, but there is no guarantee that the actual poe application isn't sending the mac to the server. Im not sure if they can get in trouble for that if they do record mac
  4. this happened to me a lot, especially on stairs
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