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Using my Computer while Botting

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I wanted to ask if its possible without a VM?


like putting the window with youtube always on top somehow


thanks in advance :)

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I wanted to ask if its possible without a VM?


like putting the window with youtube always on top somehow


thanks in advance :)


It's possible to bot without using the mouse via ControlSend but it's hard to tell if that would be more detectable, as far as having youtube always be on top, you could do that but only if it didn't interfere with the PoE client.

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I have setup something similar. I have two screens and on one I watch a movie while PoE+bot on the other are happy playing with each other. When I need to interact with the movie (as the bot always has mouse control), I press F12 to pause it (already has control), do whatever I need and then back to PoE + F12 to resume. Its not a biggie if you are not using a VM. I tried to setup VirtualBox with PoE but that didn't work, so I guess for the time being, this setup is as good as it gets!

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