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AutoHotKey noob seeks help.

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Hi ppl,


I haven't use AutoHotKey and the likes before.

But now I need an autoclicker urgently that will recognize images and clicks on them

(Page 1, search for IMAGE1, click on it -> Page 2 , search for IMAGE 2, click on it -> Page 3, click here .... rinse and repeat)


Can autohotkey do that? and how hard is it?


I already have some images but they're in 24-bit BMP.  Will it work with AutoHotKey?


Appreciate if someone can give me something to work on so it's easier for me to jumpstart.


Thank you for your time.





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Very possible, not to hard here is a link to the ImageSearch document for autohotkey



An example would be like

CoordMode Pixel
f1::  ;f1 executes the following code
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, image.png ;foundx and foundy output the x and y coordinates,
if ErrorLevel = 0 ;0 = an image was found
click,left,%FoundX%,%FoundY% ;left click the image x,y
sleep 500 ;sleep is usefull if you need to wait for something, in the case wait after click for half a second
MsgBox The image was found at %FoundX%,%FoundY%.

return ;return to an idle state

Edit: also here is a link to a page where you can download notepad++ and autohotkey syntax highlighting for it, I recommend checking it out as it makes things alot easier.


Edited by Spawnova

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