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Bot taking its own gear off?

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Hey, heres something really weird that I've noticed. It has happened 3 or 4 times so far: I find the bot with either its belt or chest armour on its cursor in town. The first time it happened at least a week ago or maybe more, so its not the latest patch issue - but I thought that something completely unique had happened and didn't bother reporting. However as I said its happened a few more times so its certainly a recurring issue and while its very rare its also pretty serious - last thing we want is the bot to take off its own gear and vendor it or something :)


Anyone else seen anything like that?


Edit: as I said I've only seen it in town so we can conclude that this happens during the item identification/stashing/selling process.

Edited by bbones

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Ah so I'm not the only one, only I've never seen it reported before.


Yeah it makes sense for it to be ping related I guess, only the ping issues won't go away (especially with many of us using VPNs), so it would be nice if something could be done so we don't lose our precious belts and armors :)

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