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0.19c bot stuck trying to open a chest that isn't there

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2014-06-04 10:13:26 [info] -> Moving to position(9222.700195, 8331.500000). State Priority: 11
2014-06-04 10:13:26 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:26 [info] -> Breaking chest with skill
2014-06-04 10:13:26 [info] -> Breaking chest with skill
2014-06-04 10:13:27 [info] -> Breaking chest with skill
2014-06-04 10:13:27 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:27 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:27 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:27 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:28 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:28 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:28 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left
2014-06-04 10:13:28 [info] -> Opening chest with mouse left


and on, just standing there

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I can confirm this. Happens rarely though. Bot clicks just near the chest, but not exactly on chest. I haven't seen such behavior on previous versions.

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