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Beta Tester
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About ExVault

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    Bronze II

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  1. ExVault

    Skill based on monster type bug

    It does not work. If set to "magic", bot will attack only magic, ignoring rare and bosses.
  2. ExVault

    Vaal Storm Call

    Bot does not use it. I've tried to set priority higher than main skill, lower than main skill, with cooldown, without cooldown. It just does not want to use it
  3. ExVault

    Банят аккаунты.

    Ботю на старом аккаунте, сделанным в закрытой бете, весь доминейшен и амбуш. Никаких проблем нет. Ботю для себя, на одном аккаунте. Никаких хуйвм пиздавпн никогда не использовал. Может в этом причина?
  4. ExVault

    What map is a fucking retard? =) post here

    Add Torture Chamber to Retard Boss.
  5. ExVault

    help about avoiding map mods

    It will be nice if someone post id for Fracturing mod.
  6. ExVault

    What map is a fucking retard? =) post here

    I forgot Torture Chamber - hight lightning damage, unblockable "searing bond"-like lightning ray, bot can survive only with high leech and hp/es pool. Museum/Academy - bot can't go to boss room, because it requires to pull the lever.
  7. ExVault

    What map is a fucking retard? =) post here

    Whats wrong with them? My bot farms them as usual...
  8. ExVault

    What map is a fucking retard? =) post here

    Temple - decent lightning damage, easy with spell block. Labyrinth - boss heals himself with nearby corpses, takes forever to kill. Jungle Valley - endless stream of small spiders, takes forever to kill. Maze - vaal smash, nuff said. Residence - dominus hits hard, exploders hit hard. Crematorium - high fire damage, hight duration firestorms, doable with spell block. Shipyard - decent fire damage, easy with spell block. Courtyard - doable with block and spell block. Palace - see residence.
  9. ExVault

    Reroll rare maps

  10. Bot needs this feature.
  11. ExVault

    Fix selling q gems.

    I was in chat with you when he said that...
  12. ExVault

    Fix selling q gems.

    In latest version bot sells q gems ignoring checkbox in gui. Please fix it, we are loosing gcps.
  13. ExVault

    Make bot sell crap

    But bot sells q gems now...
  14. Я думаю это надо спрашивать у автора в личку. И тем более не на русском.
  15. I can confirm this. Happens rarely though. Bot clicks just near the chest, but not exactly on chest. I haven't seen such behavior on previous versions.
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