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Issue with bot stuck when putting map in lab or stucks in the map

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I experienced an issue with bot, sometimes it stucks when trying to put map in lab's socket. The bot can't take the map to put into socket, the left click seems inhibited.


To fix it i simply use the combo CTRL + G and it disappears.


I think it is not coming from new versions or old version and i think it is something coming from VM which has a "grap input" function with sometimes is disabled by bot or others scripts.

The problem is, even if a use the ctrl+g, a moment later it happens again. So the only way to not have it again is to restart the Vm and sometimes the PC host.


If someone else meet the same issue maybe there is matter to work on it.





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Yea, I see this very often actually. The bot hovers the map over the 4 slots of the map machine but doesn't "click" so the map is not put in (this is not a coordinates problem because the map is where it has to be, only the mouse click is missing). It goes through this several times until it finally clicks and activates the map. The same thing happens when travelling to eternal laboratory (and maybe other areas? not sure) - the bot hovers the cursor in the correct position above the eternal laboratory waypoint on the world map, but doesn't click to activate it, then goes through the procedure several times until it finally leftclicks.

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@fantominus - are you by any chance also running your bot(s) at very low frame rates like 10fps? Thats one idea that came to my mind about what we might be doing differently than most people (because many are using vmware however they don't report or have this issue) to cause this, because it is still happening to me in latest version of bot. A couple of tests with changing framerate to 60 when I catch the bot being stuck in this loop has fixed it whenever I reactivate the bot at high frame rate, but its not enough to say for sure.

Edited by bbones

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