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Couple of questions before buying

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Wanna switch to this bot over some "another" poe bot because I wanna run maps.

I have some questions:

1) How bot handles skeleton and divine shrines?

2) How bot handles rare monsters and totems with "all other monsters can't die" aura?

3) Can bot do Piety and Dominus runs?

4) Can bot do corrupted zones?

5) Can bot apply orbs to maps and settings to avoid some affixes?

6) As I can assume this is a pixel bot, can he perform on lowest graphical settings? I mean ones that you can achieve via editing "production_Config.ini" and turning poe into Runescape-ish shit.

Edited by ExVault

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Wanna switch to this bot over some "another" poe bot because I wanna run maps.

I have some questions:

1) How bot handles skeleton and divine shrines?

2) How bot handles rare monsters and totems with "all other monsters can't die" aura?

3) Can bot do Piety and Dominus runs?

4) Can bot do corrupted zones?

5) Can bot apply orbs to maps and settings to avoid some affixes?

6) As I can assume this is a pixel bot, can he perform on lowest graphical settings? I mean ones that you can achieve via editing "production_Config.ini" and turning poe into Runescape-ish shit.


2) Kills this monsters first

3) It does not. However WIP


5) It can reroll blue maps. WIP with yellow maps.

6) It'll work even with shittiest settings,

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3) It handled them like a boss, killing totem or boss first :o

4) Being tested by myself.

5) Want to spam chaos orbs on maps ?

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Bought it.

Encountered some issues (but I believe they were reported already)

- Infinite looping while trying to pick up item in a big stack.

- Mobs abandoning, usually ones that runs away pretty fast (Gluttonous Gulls especially)

- Trying to attack a mob on the other side of the door instead of just opening door.

- Pathfinding issues in "multi-leveled" maps (Dunes, Ghetto) bot tries to attack mobs that are close to the "cliff" on lower level instead of walking down.


But overall good bot. Good job developers.

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