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default.ipd / uniques

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I just noticed the new default.ipd file has two entries:


line 61: [Rarity] == "Unique" # [stashItem] == "true" // Keep all unique

line 311: [Rarity] == "Unique" # [sellItem] == "true" // Sell all unique that aren't defined in the pickit (be careful with recently added uniques)


The second one is then followed by a list of uniques to stash.

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I just noticed the new default.ipd file has two entries:


line 61: [Rarity] == "Unique" # [stashItem] == "true" // Keep all unique

line 311: [Rarity] == "Unique" # [sellItem] == "true" // Sell all unique that aren't defined in the pickit (be careful with recently added uniques)


The second one is then followed by a list of uniques to stash.


So what?


It'll collect all uniques.

If you don't want to collect all uniques - comment line 61.

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Won't line 61 override everything below and stash all uniques?


It'll unless you comment it.

That's what it is there for.



it's confusing to have two entries ;)

Not really. Meet your girlfriend kissing your brother - that's confusing.

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