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Hmmm, I'm one who collects all scrolls and stuff and then uptrade those at Clarissa for Jewellers/Fusings/...


However always mouse clicking is annyoing and I though it would be good if I could use AHK to automate that.


Below is a code fragement that will repeatedly press the left mouse button upon pressing F7 key and it will stop pressing the lmb upon pressing F7 again (or at least it should in theory).



#MaxThreadsperHotkey 2
toggle := !toggle
  if toggle
    Sleep 50
    Send, {Control down}
    MouseClick, left
    Send, {Control up}
    TrayTip , Uptrading, Stopped Uptrading, 2

So, I tested it now and it works

Made a little update. When you press F7 for the second time you'll get a small balloon tip that tells you so. That's important to know if the stopping actually worked. Also reduced delay from 100ms to 50ms.

Edited by username1001101
  • Upvote 2

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