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Bot behaviour bug after long time play

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I met new (or existing issue) with bot (0.17d).



After long time play and many pause/unpause to set parameters, bot sometimes not so many, the bot start new end game map, go inside and recreate a portal to go outside and go back in town like it had cleared the map.

After that it takes a new map in stash and start a new map without starting the one before.


The point is even when I restart the game and the exiledbot i still have the issue again and again. The only way is to restart the VM (or computer) to solve the issue. After that the bot go back to the map and explore it normally.


I think something wrong stays in buffer or in temporary files.



I have also an issue that crash the game after many instances in end game maps. (like every 3hours). 

It happens when loading the map from the eternal laboratory and stay in loading and i have the message : 


It is new for me and only happens in end game maps.

I heard of this issue in ggg forums and people said that is coming from graphic cards but i didn't met it before.

Do i need to update something like VM graphic card driver or something else ?



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