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[Maps] Getting more stuck then ever

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Bot is getting stuck more then ever in maps because of stairs + mini stairs like in vaal pyramid map. Theres creatures behind the stairs and your infront of stairs and bot wont flicker/leap over and get stuck right infront of the stairs. Happens pretty much everytime theres a "Higher" and lower obstable like the mini stairs between the character and the creatures. It happens alot pathing just gets stuck while targeting a creature. Or stuck in other ways because of how different some maps are compared to the stuff we are used to bot.


It has probably been like this all the time with the maps, I just started to watch my bots while doing maps and it seems to get stuck very often :(


I'll use this as reference krokodil made some screenshots and made me aware of how bad it really is : https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2753-some-situations-where-the-bot-was-stuck/


Catacombs is unbottable at the moment, bot is walking into cleared instances without having reseted it. Sometimes when it enters catacombs it's trying to reset Marketplace from inside catacombs.


Don't know if anyone else is experiencing the thing with Library where you actually have to manually scroll down in order to reset the instance or is it just me and my internet?

Edited by beikenmule

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Forgot to mention the back & forth bug is causing bot to log out in maps, and reenters the map when it logs back in.


Maps at the moment is causing way to many chickens without getting close to die.

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Maps at the moment is causing way to many chickens without getting close to die.


This, as well as the not so efficient use of time that this problem leads to, is the reason I stopped doing maps with my bots and just went back to lib/cat/docks. 

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