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Hi i made this topic in order to help people in future..

For those helpful people out there please consider this message

helping in ways of giving workarround to not get ban is somehow making the situation worst for all of us.

GGG is not dumb enough to ignore this workarround and not finding ways of countering it. The more anti ban strategy u post on this forum the more ways ggg will caught us and lesser ways for us to counter em..

i know the intention is good helping is always been good but the future outcome is getting worst and worst everyday as people posts their way to not get ban ggg list is getting bigger and bigger sooner or later all of our ways to avoid em will pretty much be found out by ggg

people here should be responsible enough to find ways by themselves. just do trial and error method. I myself included since i asked alot of noob stuff before and just realise it only gets worst as i fix stuff publicly

i ma sound like an ass but im sure alot of people feel me on this one

best regards cunnilingus

Edited by sniper101

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I've thought about this myself when I've posted anti-detection ideas but I come at it from the other angle; GGG are smart boys and are dedicating A LOT more time to detection than most here. If we've thought of something then chances are they've thought of it too, so more people that know the better. And I'd encourage anyone who thinks of something they could flag on to post it. If one person thinks of something that ggg could be keying on and keeps it to themselves and they ARE doing it, then everyone else gets their arse banned because that idea wasn't shared


It's cat and mouse but better played in the open with mutual respect for intelligence I think. There's only certain things they can do, short of detecting other running processes it's all about how the bot is used, the play structure and the settings. If we make out bots look human they can't see us. they know it and there's nothing they can do about it :)

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I've thought about this myself when I've posted anti-detection ideas but I come at it from the other angle; GGG are smart boys and are dedicating A LOT more time to detection than most here. If we've thought of something then chances are they've thought of it too, so more people that know the better. And I'd encourage anyone who thinks of something they could flag on to post it. If one person thinks of something that ggg could be keying on and keeps it to themselves and they ARE doing it, then everyone else gets their arse banned because that idea wasn't shared

precisely and more new info leaking out that ggg dont know about the more that they will do something about those new infos. having these kind of threads https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2507-ban-reports-thread/ is not a bad idea after all since people are having basis and forming their own solution without it leaking to ggg but saying the solution in public is like selling all your evidences to police 


and idea thats being exposed will temporary save everyone till ggg find a way to counter it. sooner or later we will run out of idea for sure

Edited by sniper101

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and idea thats being exposed will temporary save everyone till ggg find a way to counter it. sooner or later we will run out of idea for sure


That's where I see it the other way around - if we plug holes then sooner or later they'll run out of ways to catch us. If people stop doing non-human things then there's no way for them to counter that.

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Agree with sniper, the ban report thread and bugs we point out on this bot is a tutorial for GGG to follow on how to catch us.


We are telling GGG how to get us and what to look for.

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Agree with sniper, the ban report thread and bugs we point out on this bot is a tutorial for GGG to follow on how to catch us.

We are telling GGG how to get us and what to look for.


and it is imposible to make a non counterable human like bot it wont exist.. machine is a machine no matter how u make em it still has a pattern..

my point is please stop giving ggg informations to caught us.. help others temporary and get all of us in the near future isnt really helping at all.

Edited by sniper101

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lol guys do you really think ggg can't afford $30 for a copy of the bot and can't figure out for themselves how it works, it's bugs and what to look for? They're devs man, they're as smart as people on here.


Maybe I'm one of them, maybe I and others posting possible detection sources are disgruntled employees giving away what they look for.... ;) :headfuck:


The ban reports thread is giving a bit of info about what the average botter is doing, but they know what the average botter is doing anyway from all the successful bans they get. And it's not hard to figure out, but some people on here are not as logically minded as others and no one person is going to think of everything. They have a team.

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I've thought about this myself when I've posted anti-detection ideas but I come at it from the other angle; GGG are smart boys and are dedicating A LOT more time to detection than most here. If we've thought of something then chances are they've thought of it too, so more people that know the better. And I'd encourage anyone who thinks of something they could flag on to post it. If one person thinks of something that ggg could be keying on and keeps it to themselves and they ARE doing it, then everyone else gets their arse banned because that idea wasn't shared


It's cat and mouse but better played in the open with mutual respect for intelligence I think. There's only certain things they can do, short of detecting other running processes it's all about how the bot is used, the play structure and the settings. If we make out bots look human they can't see us. they know it and there's nothing they can do about it :)


I completely agree with bonebox here, great post.

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hey you gotta help peeps we arent savages you know?


however alot of us (me included) are here cuz this is where some good $$$$$$ is dont LIE!$@!#@!$!@$#@!$#@$#@!$@!
and to do that u gotta stay safe...there is just some information i aint gone give out ie: how and where i get my VPNS shit like that....i mean common hahahah ....


this is a community to share ideas etc and shit .............but I can completely understand people wanting to be mindful of their own shit as well

Edited by pronoooob

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Totally with you on that Pro being an RMTer myself who got bored of the game about a week after first playing!!!


Rule I run with is never giver anything personal and share anything I think of they could be looking for. If I've thought of it then 99.9% chance they have. And if they haven't yet they will so get ahead and cover it!!!

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Maybe I'm one of them, maybe I and others posting possible detection sources are disgruntled employees giving away what they look for.... ;) :headfuck:

maybe you are rather paranoid..right?

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I think your conclusion is wrong - the sharing of information works in our favor.  While I am sure some of the developers  of POE are smart people, they are not sitting around and watching us all play. They are relying on machines to recognize patterns.  I will not try to sound like an authority on the matter because I am far from it. I have only barely messed around with this bot, and I am not really familiar with how POE is spotting it.


However,  the more the bot breaks free from recognizable patterns and blends in with the playerbase, the harder it will be for any algorithms to spot us.  THe more information that is shared about how we're detected, the more we'll adapt and blend in with real players.


Here are some things I've considered as obvious tells that IMO should be fixed:

1. The bots sell one item at a time over and over.

2. Patterns of skills and movements should be put on user defined ranges that are used based on a RNG distribution. (For example, I want to use skill Q 70% of the time so  the bot decides if Q is going to be used each time based on a draw of a pseudo-random number generator.)  I think basing decisions on statistical distributions of a solid RNG will destroy POE dev's end game  at catching us.

3. Quitting out the game when we're about to die over and over looks like an obvious tell to me too.


Again, everything should be more random, and only controlled by ranges of thresholds.  Do not set patterns. POE devs can't beat it if you don't give them clear patterns, and sharing what they are helps us all.

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I think your conclusion is wrong - the sharing of information works in our favor.  While I am sure some of the developers  of POE are smart people, they are not sitting around and watching us all play. They are relying on machines to recognize patterns.  I will not try to sound like an authority on the matter because I am far from it. I have only barely messed around with this bot, and I am not really familiar with how POE is spotting it.


However,  the more the bot breaks free from recognizable patterns and blends in with the playerbase, the harder it will be for any algorithms to spot us.  THe more information that is shared about how we're detected, the more we'll adapt and blend in with real players.


Here are some things I've considered as obvious tells that IMO should be fixed:

1. The bots sell one item at a time over and over.

2. Patterns of skills and movements should be put on user defined ranges that are used based on a RNG distribution. (For example, I want to use skill Q 70% of the time so  the bot decides if Q is going to be used each time based on a draw of a pseudo-random number generator.)  I think basing decisions on statistical distributions of a solid RNG will destroy POE dev's end game  at catching us.

3. Quitting out the game when we're about to die over and over looks like an obvious tell to me too.


Again, everything should be more random, and only controlled by ranges of thresholds.  Do not set patterns. POE devs can't beat it if you don't give them clear patterns, and sharing what they are helps us all.

Now here is a cleaver person i agree with everything he says i would have loved to have posted this myself but too noob.

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I think your conclusion is wrong - the sharing of information works in our favor.  While I am sure some of the developers  of POE are smart people, they are not sitting around and watching us all play. They are relying on machines to recognize patterns.  I will not try to sound like an authority on the matter because I am far from it. I have only barely messed around with this bot, and I am not really familiar with how POE is spotting it.


However,  the more the bot breaks free from recognizable patterns and blends in with the playerbase, the harder it will be for any algorithms to spot us.  THe more information that is shared about how we're detected, the more we'll adapt and blend in with real players.


Here are some things I've considered as obvious tells that IMO should be fixed:

1. The bots sell one item at a time over and over.

2. Patterns of skills and movements should be put on user defined ranges that are used based on a RNG distribution. (For example, I want to use skill Q 70% of the time so  the bot decides if Q is going to be used each time based on a draw of a pseudo-random number generator.)  I think basing decisions on statistical distributions of a solid RNG will destroy POE dev's end game  at catching us.

3. Quitting out the game when we're about to die over and over looks like an obvious tell to me too.


Again, everything should be more random, and only controlled by ranges of thresholds.  Do not set patterns. POE devs can't beat it if you don't give them clear patterns, and sharing what they are helps us all.


gr8 points...but dude! why dont you help us all and the community by donating?

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