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Hiding your VM (for the paranoid :) )

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After shouting some of this earlier though it might be useful for any other tinfoil hatters out there ;)


Basically when you create a new VM it generates a MAC address for the VM network card. Also if you used the clone option in VMware then it does this automatically, if you copied vm folder then as long as you said you copied it when you fired it up it would generate a new one too (the moved it option will keep everything the same). The potential flagging source I think is that when it does this it creates one with a VMware OUI. That's the first 6 characters of a MAC address and they identify the vendor of the network card. A full list is here:




So if GGG are getting MACs then it would be very easy for them to scan their list and pick out ones with VMware OUIs. And what percentage of people playing in a VM would be botters?! Greater than 90% I'd guess.


So when you create a new vm or clone one, I wouldn't use the MAC that it gives you. You could potentially take any of the OUIs on the above list but easiest I think is to take the one from your PCs card, you can check it by going to network and sharing centre then your local area connection then details or via ipconfig /all in a cmd shell. Then take those first 6 characters and put them in here:




and change the format to the one with colons in. Then with your new vm turned off open it's vmx file and you'll find the mac address it's been given, replace it with the one from the generator.

Do GGG collect this? Who knows. They can't from the IP packets as MACs are constantly overwritten along the connection route but they could in their code.


While you're at it I'd always run POE with the -ns (no sound) parameter, that'll hide the VMware sound driver too, or better still just delete the VMs sound card completely. Not a lot you can do about the graphics card, there are some tools out there for spoofing the name directx reports but I've had no success with them so far. Please post here if you find a way of doing it!! :)

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I try to do it like you said but my VM is stubborn all the time changing it on the previous MAC address :cry:
found solution on my own:
first I need to delete 3 lines from this file:

ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

Than I added:

ethernet0.addressType = "static"
ethernet0.Address = "yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy"

and finally after reboot I get new MAC address :)


Maybe it will help some1 else to to solve this problem :)

Edited by hc4fun

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Also its good to change the graphics card name from the default VMware one. This info is very easily sent to steam and to GGG.
Just look at device manager for the default name, and then search the registry for that string and change them all to some standard card like Nvidia GTX 960.

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thats all shit guys ....stop waste ur time


ggg give an fuck what u using....as long u dont use 3rd pt progs for poe


if im at work and play over an vm i will get an ban? tsssssss never :)

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