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Orb Washing - Avoid losing everthing in case of a ban.

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This is how I avoid losing everything with bans on POE & every other game. In seven years of botting across 9 games I've never been banned, nor loss currency of any nature.

What You Will Need:
3x Path of Exile Accounts
*Your bot account
*Your mule account
*Your washing account

Bans happen. We are botters, everyone will be tagged but its fine because Path of Exile is free & it takes about two days to get a new character in full farm mode again. The thing about bans that do hurt happens to be the loss of currency. This is the most important aspect of farming. This is the main thing we dont wanna lose when a ban happens. So how do we avoid this? Washing our orbs. Just like money.

So you have been botting for said amount of time & are wrapping up this session or you just wanna move what you already have before going back out..

Method #1.
Login to your washing account.
Create a level 1 character & bring it to town.
Transfer your orbs from your farmer to your washer.
Trade up all your lesser orbs to greater orbs via NPC.
Trade your new orbs + higher end currency you didn't swap out to your mule.
Delete your washer, remake the washer same name but different class.
Login to the game, then log back out.

Method #2.
Login to your washing acount.
Create a level 1 character & bring it to town.
Transfer your orbs from your farmer to your washer.
Create a game named "trading x orb for x orb".
You are still washing your orbs, only via people vs the NPC.
Trade your new orbs to your mule.
Delete your washer, remake the washer same name but different class.
Login to the game, then log back out.

Method #1 vs Method #2.
Method 1 is clearly quicker, can be done on your own at any time. However, Method 2 involves multiple people & i've noticed over years of gaming that companies are less likely to take action when mutiple players are involved, especially when players have no knowledge of the illegal activiy. The reason for deleting the washer character & remaking it with the same name yet different class is to throw off the chain process of following the currency via logs. I've done scripting before & it throws a baby wrench in the process. This is handy for only orbs, when it comes to uniques your kinda unable to rinse these. If you dont need the unique and you fear you are doing to much the best thing to do is to move the unique at a lower price then what it is worth & rinse your orbs. POE.XYZ is good for this, as is trade chat. GGG claims they dont log chat files but they are full of crap which gives them a bit of a trace packet if you do it through trade thus why I personally opt for the POE website trade forums & XYZ.

Bans happen, but it doesn't mean you need to lose everything. You can also reverse this process when selling our orbs for RMT to avoid your mule getting nailed & banned.

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I have no issue trading to my level 1 mule. Unless you mean one of the characters have to be over 25 which would make since I gem run my washing characters past 25.

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he means once u have ur currency on the lvl 1 account it's locked to that acc until u lvl it to lvl 25, u cant trade items off that acc and if u drop the items on the ground their gone forever and cant be picked up by ur wash acc main acc or bot acc

Edited by Phaukt

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I have a silly question! Why not ubgrading orbs to fusings via NPC and just transfer them and rares directly to your main account and trade from it????? How it could be risky? 

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I have a silly question! Why not ubgrading orbs to fusings via NPC and just transfer them and rares directly to your main account and trade from it????? How it could be risky?

Sure it's absolutely safe, just go ahead. Really interesting how soon you will be banned.

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I have a silly question! Why not ubgrading orbs to fusings via NPC and just transfer them and rares directly to your main account and trade from it????? How it could be risky? 

If at all possible keep you main account isolated from your bots even currency!! You can always buy items you need and trade it to your middle man account and then to your main account.

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On 4/14/2015 at 10:09 PM, SupZerg said:
On 4/14/2015 at 4:05 PM, BOOMbastiK said:

I have a silly question! Why not ubgrading orbs to fusings via NPC and just transfer them and rares directly to your main account and trade from it????? How it could be risky?

Sure it's absolutely safe, just go ahead. Really interesting how soon you will be banned.

Are you being sarcastic... I'm curious, does trading jewellers into fuse etc at vendors cause you to get banned? I'm guessing they can easily track it?


"Trade up all your lesser orbs to greater orbs via NPC."  is the first method lol

Edited by RangerRick

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"Trade up all your lesser orbs to greater orbs via NPC."

I am new to the poe game and I don't know how to upgrade to higher orb.  Could you elaborate how I can do this? 

I have been selling items to NPC but haven't heard upgrading orbs through them.  It will be very helpful.


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