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Community Poll [Public]


10 members have voted

  1. 1. If you were someone who needs to set up a VM for boting, would you rather pay someone to upload their VM file which has been fully tested for download?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe, depending on price
    • Just not sure.
  2. 2. If you answered Yes or Maybe Yes above, How much would you consider being reasonable?

    • Bellow $10
    • Bellow $30
    • Bellow $80
    • More
    • Free because I'm cheap
  3. 3. After answering the above did you answer it

    • because i won't pay someone for it.
    • because i won't ask someone to pay for it.
    • Neither
    • I just don't know.

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Ok, I was thinking of ziping up my clone ready VM file, and maybe host it up on torrent and offer it to
the community as a buy-able product.
tested to run 3 days 3 nights non-stop and no restarts.
and i was thinking of asking you guys for an opinion, to see if there would be any demand for it.
Windows 7 Ultimate Cracked, and tweaked from the inside out.
16gb pre-allocated
Rar file size 6GB

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"Free because I'm cheap" having an option like that says alot about you.......


As I said and will say it again one of the Admins of EB already did this for FREE. It's not up for download anymore because the post is outdated.


And in the legal terms you really gonna try sell VM copys with cracked windows/cracked software? Good luck you might get the feds on your door.


Selling a computer which contains illegal software is against the law, as illegal software is theft. Selling a Virtual Machine with cracked OS + cracked VM is theft.


I honestly think your taking a big risk and may end up in a lawsuit if you get caught selling this illegal product. BTW I have no objection to pirate software (unless you're selling it)


Piracy Wall of Shame


Wish you the best of luck! :)

Edited by beikenmule

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Chill bro, well i'm selling the vm folder not the vm software, and i don't think your so called feds is going to cross the pacific ocean to sue me.


while on the same topic the so called "legal term" does not really apply to a botting site.


and i'm not even selling yet either, this is an opinion thread for ideas and possibility, not a sale thread, "Free because I'm cheap" is generally there as a joke but taken into consideration if enough people vote on it.


at the same time posting the same thing on two dif polls (Elite section and the public section) says alot about you too.

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@Chill bro, well i'm selling the vm folder not the vm software,

Well a VM folder wich contains cracked Windows(pirated software). No matter where you live you it's never a good idea to sell any pirated Microsoft product.

I know you havent sold this yet. And I know you plan to charge huge amounts of money for pirated software, your threading on sacred ground you simple don't sell pirated software unless your obsessed with money obviously.

Atleast I wish you get told to do it elsewhere then in this community.


Dont come here telling me im a dumb .....****** for warning them about buying pirated software.

Edited by beikenmule

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um dude mind taking this elsewhere, like when and if i do make a sale thread?


why on earth do i have to reply to this on two threads? i feel like an idiot.

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come on guys, settle down.


beiken does make a point about the legal side of things. aeiz you might want to speak to alk about something like this, although i'll leave this thread open for now so since this is about getting peoples opinions on the topic and you may get some suggestions on how to manage the situation. \=



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Yea I know I would have if I was really thinking of doing it, but before that I'd rather see how many ppl would be interested in it at all free or not. Like I said just wanted to know the demand.

Being a torrent file if there isn't a significant amount of ppl seeding after then there would be no point.

Edited by aeiz

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After having a mod edit your posts and give you a verbal nudge, posting a screen shot of the moderated content isn't the smartest thing to do. If I were hats and you pulled that on me I'd give you an official warning.


On topic :


1. Cloning VMs results in exactly the same HWIDs (ID addresses such as mac addresses, Admin names, hardware profiles, etc). These sorts of things are checked by GGG, and it's a good way to get an account banned.


2. Selling Services is one thing, but selling software that you did not develop is another. I'm not just talking about windows, but VMware as well.


3. What's to stop you from having keyloggers and other spyware pre-installed on the VMs?


TL;DR If you really want to make money helping people set up VMs, try offering a service to troubleshoot people through teamviewer or something of the sort. Less risky, both in terms of legality, and exposure.

Edited by Jarvis101
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"ok the screenshot was just an example of the opinion that i was looking for so ppl won't be posting stuff that made no sense to the topic."

(but if you want me to i will edit it out.)




On topic:


And oddly enough everytime i clone mine each clone has a dif mac address so it should be fine.


The only reason why i know it's clone ready is cos i've been cloning it over and over a few dozen times myself,  i tend to just delete and reclone once a week.


well hardware profiles aside, those are pretty much the same for every vm, mines prolly identical to yours within the vm, reason being we are all using vmware tools, which pretty much installs the same driver software through out.


and i'm not selling software either, it's a vm profile.


keyloggers, that's just the risk of who might buy it, no idea how to install one though, so no point, and i'm no progammer.


and this isn't a sale thread yet either.


"Extra note"

oh a mod edited my post? didn't know that part, verbal nudge was acknowledged, but the s/s was still within acceptable limits i think, but i edit the s/s away anyways for the sake of it.

Edited by aeiz

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