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Back and Forth Issue Poll

Back and Forth  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. When you are experiencing back and forth loop.

    • It's most of the time between two monsters
    • It's most of the time between two items
    • It's most of the time between two chests
    • It's most of the time between two different entities (ie a monster and a chest)
    • It's most of the time between a position to explore and a mob
    • It's most of the time while trying to explore the map (ie around corner or stairs..)
    • What's back and forth loop ??

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Happens alot in docks with stairs even with Chest/Barrel disabled + in library while exploring often on edges/corners of the book shelves + sometimes get stuck when there's monsters behind the wall.

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this vote is useless since its clearly the exploration option :)


just watch the bot for 2- 20 minutes in libary or docks and u know the answer ^^

Edited by Delamonica
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The correct answer for me would be :  between one item and exploring.


A item drops, and the bot noticed it too late. Then he tries to go back pick up the item, but he tries to explore the map too -> running back and forth between the item 

and exploring.

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The correct answer for me would be :  between one item and exploring.


A item drops, and the bot noticed it too late. Then he tries to go back pick up the item, but he tries to explore the map too -> running back and forth between the item 

and exploring.


this for me , always between item and exploring


also this back and forth for the items started happening after one of the updates where you said the exploring back and forth is fixed

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The correct answer for me would be :  between one item and exploring.


A item drops, and the bot noticed it too late. Then he tries to go back pick up the item, but he tries to explore the map too -> running back and forth between the item 

and exploring.


this + also stairs loop in docks.

Edited by mbxnir

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The corner thing is a problem sometimes, but even then it's always turning that corner to get to something, whether it's a monster, barrel, chest or item.

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A simple fix is to have priority on certain actions. E.g. highest priority would be killing the monster (or opening doors), then picking drops, then exploring.

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Indeed, there is no option for that to vote in the poll but it is between looting an item and exploring.


between looting items and exploring , no monster around, no such option ???


This is what the problem for me aswell. Sometimes its stuck around corner/stairs but really not the issue

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The correct answer for me would be :  between one item and exploring.


A item drops, and the bot noticed it too late. Then he tries to go back pick up the item, but he tries to explore the map too -> running back and forth between the item 

and exploring.


yes ofr me also this 99% of the time, please add this into the poll option

let me try to clarify this :

- bot fighting mob A > mob A dies

- bot has xxx timer to wait and see if there is a useable loot or not

** Lag happen : while this lag happens bot decide there is no Loot > on to Exploring

- suddenly the previous mob A drops Loot, when the bot allready decide that there is no Loot and is in the middle of Exploring mode

- something triggers the bot and force him to walk back to the Suddenly Appeared Loot

- this 2 behaviour walk back to loot and exploring has the same priority and thus bot cannot decide what to do


this is like what i have stated waaay back in my previous post and on bot version 0.14f




this bug is the single most annoying bug in my opinion.




Bot cannot decide wether to move to Point A or Point B

and repeatedly clicking point A and B endlessly until timer kicks in and relogs the bot

i have never really timed it but is around 15 mins ?


why this is the most annoying bug ?

because i caught more than once when bot was relogging due to this bug and the bot was leaving good loot (unique, chaos, i even saw once it left GCP on the ground) and when bot came back and make new instance well the loot is gone

so im thinking just how many the bot was actually throwing away due bug, not to mention the wasting of time for the relog to kicks in and the wasting time for the poe client to reload


im guessing

Point A : bot is trying to explore

im guessing that because this happens almost always when theres never any mob around, if theres a mob like in the screenshot, bot would kill mob, and return to his dance between point A and B.

i have made sure that i dont have Skills settings with a large distance, all my skills settings distance are 200 including aura, so im pretty sure theres no skills with extra large distance thats triggers when looking for mob outside the screen


Point B : bot is trying to loot, scroll of wisdom on red circle

this only happens whenever theres a loot and the bot was clearing area around that loot, if he clears out to certain distance this bug would happen


so to my observation it looks like the bot have the same priority for Exploring and Looting (running back)

several solution ive tried :

apwkid gave some solution





i tried his method but to no avail i still get this bug very often often something like 1 bug every 2 maps


what i think would be an ideal solution :


Looting should always have higher priority over



after all user can allready set their prefered distance to clear out mob from Loot


PS : i tried the bot without using Smart Pickit and this bug never happen, altho i only used it around 8 hours or so, since the default Loot behaviour can only Loot Rares and Stash it, so bot would easily fill up the stash, hence why i got back to Smart Pickit.

This has happen to me since

Exiledbot ver 0.14e


I really hope someone have a solution for this or temporary fix

thank you for anyone reading my post


judging by ppl replying to this thread im pretty confident that my early analysis about this bug (last month) is somewhat spot on so to avoid any wasted effort on the dev trying to look in the wrong place

im going to Hold on my vote until Alk gives the option :


its most of the time between walking back to loot and exploring

Edited by hamncheese

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90% of the time for me it's just exploring the map, not even a corner/stair.  Sometimes it's an open area, bot just goes back and forth for 60 seconds before teleporting.

60 second ? id be happy enough if my bot can do this, hmm maybe i should let him use teleport scroll

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90% of the time for me it's just exploring the map, not even a corner/stair.  Sometimes it's an open area, bot just goes back and forth for 60 seconds before teleporting.

tested this for about 4-5 hours no luck, bot still doing the stupid dance for more than 15 minutes, how did u manage to get the bot only doing the dance 60 sec ?

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The bot ony dance for 60sec (max idle time) when he is blocked in corners or stairs but not trying to pick an item. If he is trying to pick an item, "max idle time" doesn't kick in and the bot will continue until "max run time" kicks in.

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A simple fix is to have priority on certain actions. E.g. highest priority would be killing the monster (or opening doors), then picking drops, then exploring.


It's the case since day 1 lol ;)


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Indeed, there is no option for that to vote in the poll but it is between looting an item and exploring.


I can't figure out how this could happen :

#define STATE_MOVING_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 2 // While exploring
#define STATE_PICKUP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 14 // While moving toward an item

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I can't figure out how this could happen :

#define STATE_MOVING_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 2 // While exploring
#define STATE_PICKUP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 14 // While moving toward an item

I know this seems weird, and obviously since the priorities are also different it's hard to understand why but everyone else is stating the same scenario , between exploring and looting but I havent watched my bots too much on the 0.15d, been very busy Ill watch em closer in the next few days and see if it still happens

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What things can the bot do while heading for loot that can interrupt it?


My best guess is it's trying to find an object that is not where the bot thinks it is.


an item drops near a wall or cliff and the bot cant decide where to go to pick it up and runs around some barriers back and forth (wall corner, ramp, around a wall.


It could be caused by some kind of dirty object in memory that is actually a bug in the game and it has the side effect of confusing the bot.


either way it will be hard to directly fix it. 


Can you make the bot aware of it's position relative to the rest of the map? Maybe Drop markers or take notes of it's surroundings or whatever and force it to not repeat pathing more than a few times or something?


Once it can do this then you could log exactly what the bot was trying to do that caused it to think it needed to stay in an area it already has been. That may shed light on this bug.

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I can't figure out how this could happen :

#define STATE_MOVING_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 2 // While exploring
#define STATE_PICKUP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 14 // While moving toward an item

It could be that there are multiple threads running, and each action takes place in a different thread, in which case you're better off with locks (or just program them in the same thread). Since there's no way another action can override the previous action on a single thread, since it will complete the task first before going to the next prioritized action.

Edited by Zirak

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It could be that there are multiple threads running, and each action takes place in a different thread, in which case you're better off with locks (or just program them in the same thread). Since there's no way another action can override the previous action on a single thread, since it will complete the task first before going to the next prioritized action.


the first thing comes to my mind when looking at Alk's code is the same thought with Zirak

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