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Problem with authenticating

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I'm a bit surprised that no one else has posted this;

Last night at about 10pm GMT I was unable to access this website, and for some reason this also meant that my bot wouldnt activate as elite. As a result I was unable to bot, is this intended? It makes it a bit annoying knowing that this wont affect people who dont pay and just stick to sub-60 chars.

Also, if this happens during a botting session, will the bot just stop working? (I'm unaware if the bot checks authentication during play or just on start-up) If it does, it would make it quite easy for GGG (or anyone) to RIP a shitload of HC bots all in one hit.

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there was some down time with the servers yesterday, no one could access the website or authenticate them selves. you could only bot if you were under level 60. the developers are truely sorry and thank you for expressing your concerns. everything should be back to normal now.

Edited by Walt

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Actually my bots worked during the blackout, until I actually did a reboot and when I started them again they would not work. :(


Hope some backup servers are in the future plans, would be nice.

Edited by beikenmule

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Anyway I found this just now at the ownedcore forums:
Sorry everybody about the down time yesterday, we are building emergency servers to avoid this problem in the future. Written by alucqrd

(think thats alkpone)


So that's really nice to hear, found the answer.

Edited by beikenmule

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