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Can you code simple AHK script?

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like this one ?

press F4 to start spamming ctrl+LM , and F4 again to stop it

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2


PressKey := ! PressKey    ;Toggle PressKey True/False


{    If ! PressKey

        Break            ;If PressKey is False, stop pressing key

    Send ^{Click}

    Sleep 100        ;Delay between keypresses



#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1


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Hi , thx for script work's well .


i'm looking help, to have the same easy script  but to use fuse on gear ...

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any idea ?


Having a script who can try to fuse stuff without having clik manualy


Yeah I wrote one a while back serj I'll find and upload it somewhere and pm ya

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In fact might as well stick it here; quick and dirty but does the job. This is based on an 800x600 POE window. Put your item in the top left of your inventory and whatever orb you want to spam 20 times in the top cell of column 3. You can also put another orb in the cell below that which it will apply afterwards, so if for example you want to apply scrap/whetstones before jews/fuses. Ctrl d to just do the 20, ctrl s to do that + the second. Obviously this is just for 6 linking/socketing it'll sail right past a 5 but game stops you applying if you have 6 (I got hold of my balls and tried a fuse on a 6l all good phew ;) )



IfWinExist, Path of Exile
#IfWinActive, Path of Exile

Loop, 20
Click, 520, 370, Right
Click, 470, 370, Left




IfWinExist, Path of Exile
#IfWinActive, Path of Exile

Loop, 20
Click, 520, 370, Right
Click, 470, 370, Left

Click, 520, 400, Right
Click, 470, 400, Left


Edited by bonebox

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Thx a lot,


I will try it fast :) and make a return





Not working :(

Try to clik on item , but do nothing after

Edited by serj

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In fact might as well stick it here; quick and dirty but does the job. This is based on an 800x600 POE window. Put your item in the top left of your inventory and whatever orb you want to spam 20 times in the top cell of column 3. You can also put another orb in the cell below that which it will apply afterwards, so if for example you want to apply scrap/whetstones before jews/fuses. Ctrl d to just do the 20, ctrl s to do that + the second. Obviously this is just for 6 linking/socketing it'll sail right past a 5 but game stops you applying if you have 6 (I got hold of my balls and tried a fuse on a 6l all good phew ;) )



IfWinExist, Path of Exile


#IfWinActive, Path of Exile

Loop, 20


Click, 520, 370, Right

Click, 470, 370, Left





IfWinExist, Path of Exile


#IfWinActive, Path of Exile

Loop, 20


Click, 520, 370, Right

Click, 470, 370, Left


Click, 520, 400, Right

Click, 470, 400, Left



You need to add some delays

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You need to add some delays


Not on mine but yeah actually if you've not got a speedy connection you prob will. Remember you need to allow for the effects to register server side.

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What do you mean? How can I do it?


lol add delays in the loops like you said ;) Trial and error to get min values that work for you




Loop, 20


Sleep 200

Click, 520, 370, Right

Sleep 200

Click, 470, 370, Left


Edited by bonebox

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lol add delays in the loops like you said ;) Trial and error to get min values that work for you




Loop, 20


Sleep 200

Click, 520, 370, Right

Sleep 200

Click, 470, 370, Left



Ah I see. I've thought there is some option in POE client for "effects to register server side"



For me "Sleep 100" is enough.

Edited by kokosoida

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