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Vendor Y Coordinates AUTO and MOUSEOVER scripts

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Update:: for changing the coordinate automatically do use 







MOUSEOVER vendors Y coordinates


You might wanna edit the bot path if you don't have the ExiledBot.exe.lnk shortcut on the desktop, and delete the 1st line.

(or just create the shortcut to the desktop)


How it (should) works:

1)You manually open the vendor dialogue 

2)Mouseover Sell Item option

3)use hotkeys to update coordinates.ini and reload EB (if pausing)

FileGetShortcut, %A_Desktop%\ExiledBot.exe.lnk, OutTarget, OutDir					; Assuming your shortcut(ExiledBot.exe.lnk) is on the vm's desktop. (Because all my scripts and bots are on the host) BotPath = %OutDir%											; Your bot directory generated above (eg; C:\Users\Exiled Bot Beta v0.15g). CurrPCprofile = %computername% IniRead, profile_bot, %BotPath%\Configuration\profile.ini, general, %CurrPCprofile%			 If profile_bot = ERROR IniRead, profile_bot, %BotPath%\Configuration\profile.ini, general, default IniRead, menu_offset, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, menu_offset_y	 BotReload = F11	 TrayTip, Vendor Y Coordinates, Current EB profile use = %profile_bot%`nCtrl+Alt+1 for Nessa `nCtrl+Alt+2 for Greust `nCtrl+Alt+3 for Clarissa, 9000 ^!1:: 	 	MouseGetPos, posx, posp 	Net := posp - menu_offset 	IniWrite, %net%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_nessa 	Send {%BotReload%} 	TrayTip, Nessa, Y coordinates=%net% saved. new coordinates.ini reloaded. Press Ctrl+Alt+X to close this script...., 2000 	return 	 ^!2:: 	 	MouseGetPos, posx, posp 	Net := posp - menu_offset 	IniWrite, %net%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_greust 	Send {%BotReload%} 	TrayTip, Greust, Y coordinates=%net% saved. new coordinates.ini reloaded. Press Ctrl+Alt+X to close this script...., 2000 	return 	 ^!3:: 	 	MouseGetPos, posx, posp 	Net := posp - menu_offset 	IniWrite, %net%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_clarissa 	Send {%BotReload%} 	TrayTip, Clarissa, Y coordinates=%net% saved. new coordinates.ini reloaded. Press Ctrl+Alt+X to close this script...., 2000 	return	 ^!x:: ExitApp 

You can edit the hotkey to your liking, the default are:

Ctrl+Alt+1 : To update Nessa Y coordinates

Ctrl+Alt+2 : To update Greust Y coordinates

Ctrl+Alt+3 : To update Clarissa Y coordinates

Ctrl+Alt+X : To exit script.




Auto Vendor Coordinates Searcher (OUTDATED obviously )


How it (should) works:

The scripts should run alongside with ExiledBot

1) Upon running it will reset all of your coordinates to avoid clicking other line,

2) it will then automatically search the coordinates while you're on the vendors dialogue.

    (so it will need to wait few seconds only on the first time visiting vendor)

3) The script will reload your coordinates file



the script created with my bot and AHKs on the host and to be run on VM. and with Default Attack skill on the middle mouse skill shortcut.

FileGetShortcut, %A_Desktop%\ExiledBot.exe.lnk, OutTarget, OutDir					; Assuming your shortcut(ExiledBot.exe.lnk) is on the vm's desktop. (Because all my scripts and bots are on the host) BotPath = %OutDir%											; Your bot directory generated above (eg; C:\Users\Exiled Bot Beta v0.15b). CurrPCprofile = %computername% IniRead, profile_bot, %BotPath%\Configuration\profile.ini, general, %CurrPCprofile%			; Grabbing your last loaded profile. If profile_bot = ERROR IniRead, profile_bot, %BotPath%\Configuration\profile.ini, general, default IniRead, menu_offset, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, menu_offset_y	 Default := 46 - menu_offset										; Coordinate to avoid clicking anything on vendor dialogue BotReload = F11	 PauseRun = F12	 Offtown = 0x95F5F9											; Assuming your "default attack" skill is on the middlemouse shortcut ;Resetting all coordinates to default IniWrite, %default%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_nessa IniWrite, %default%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_greust IniWrite, %default%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_clarissa WinActivate, Path of Exile Send {%BotReload%} Loop { IfWinActive Path of Exile 	PixelSearch, posx, posy, 614, 554, 642, 582, %Offtown% 	If Errorlevel = 0 	Sleep 2000 	Else 		{ 	ImageSearch, posx, posy, 371, 26, 434, 49, *30 clarissa.bmp 	If Errorlevel = 0 	{ 		ImageSearch, posx, posp, 371, 57, 447, 282, *100 sell.bmp 		If Errorlevel = 0 		{ 		Net := posp - menu_offset 		IniWrite, %net%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_clarissa 		Send {%BotReload%} 		} 		Else 		sleep 200 	} 	 	ImageSearch, posx, posy, 386, 26, 434, 49, *30 greust.bmp 	If Errorlevel = 0 	{ 		ImageSearch, posx, posp, 371, 57, 447, 282, *100 sell.bmp 		If Errorlevel = 0 		{ 		Net := posp - menu_offset 		IniWrite, %net%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_greust 		Send {%BotReload%} 		} 		Else 		sleep 200 	} 	 	ImageSearch, posx, posy, 386, 26, 434, 49, *30 nessa.bmp 	If Errorlevel = 0 	{ 		ImageSearch, posx, posp, 371, 57, 447, 282, *100 sell.bmp 		If Errorlevel = 0 		{ 		Net := posp - menu_offset 		IniWrite, %net%, %BotPath%\Configuration\%profile_bot%\coordinates.ini, menu, npc_sell_button_y_nessa 		Send {%BotReload%} 		} 		Else 		sleep 200 		} 	}	 } 

place the images in the same folder as the script or download it from here:






Edited by caon
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Wow I'm very impressed.

Dunno if this works but it looks so epic !!

Too bad I can't do the same easily in C++.

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Works like a charm, good job!


You should have mentioned how you're script works :P For someone without any understandings to autohotkey it may be hard to figure out that you have to visit a vendor and actually click it manually.

Furthermore, it is good to know that you reset the coordinates for all vendors.. Even if you wanted to update only the coordinates for one vendor!


But all in all, very sexy idea, and like i said before: its working like a charm ;)


lol yeah. the resetting was just to avoid the bot clicking anything else when running.

if you run the script while the bot is running it will automatically triggered when it visits the vendors. and reload the bot .ini files. (might need to wait a few seconds)


and im looking forward to someone re-scripting this. :D

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I know i might be asking too much but can you make another version that doesnt need to always run?

so thats mean the script doesnt have to reset all the coordinates upon running (because you stated its just to avoid the bot from clicking other things)


What im trying to say is tat i want to

1) run the script 

2) manually open vendors dialogue

3) auto get coordinates and update coordinates.ini

4) close the script

5) manually restart the bot.


my vmware need all the resources it can get so i cant afford another ahk being open :(

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I am a noob to all this and have not used autohotkey before.  I run the scrip and when the bot goes to the vendor it sits there with the dialog open but does not click anything. What did I do wrong?

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nice one!

both works well for me.



I am a noob to all this and have not used autohotkey before.  I run the scrip and when the bot goes to the vendor it sits there with the dialog open but does not click anything. What did I do wrong?

the bot may need to wait few second upon entering vendor to detect the img, but if it didnt detect any you might need to replace the img files with a new print screen.


but i would recommend you to use the mouseover script. its much more simpler and only took seconds to update the coordinates


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I am a noob to all this and have not used autohotkey before.  I run the scrip and when the bot goes to the vendor it sits there with the dialog open but does not click anything. What did I do wrong?


aah yes, the script written with my default attack skill on the mousewheel to detect if its intown or not. so the pixel color might be different from yours to begin with.

(imma try to put something later on to generate pixelcolor upon running the script)


so, its either the pixlcolr or you need to replace the image file with your new one.

(although i already tested on both ultra crappy graphic and highest setting possible, yours might be different)


and like BrownL said, you can use the mouseover script for the time being because it doesnt contain any loop or pxl/imgsearch and its more straightforward in retrieving the y-coordinates.

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What am I doing wrong?

I am getting an  "Current EB profile use = ERROR".


I had to edit and put in directory manually. Couldn't auto find my exilebot shortcut.

Edited by Mesosneaky

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Excellent job as ever Immo :) Suggest a link across to this from a pinned post in the guides, this question gets asked SO often it's almost like a looping shoutbox script itself!


And Alk, not that I wish to make this all for nothing for Immo, but it would make so much sense to have the same idea integrated into the bot :)

Edited by bonebox

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I think the exe. broke with the patch.




just update the pointer in the config file to: baseMgrPtr=0x8002c4

Edited by IeUz

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Immo, the coordinates are not being auto update in Act2, in Act1 everything worked fine, not sure about Act3.




Act3 is working.


updated, working with the latest version of PoE (1.1.5b)


I've just adopted caons idea & made a new working coord script...

  • You just need to extract the zip file and run the script (vendor.exe)
    • When starting for the first time you are prompted to enter your bots directory! Do so...
  • Now just bot like you normally would do, if any coordinates changes (due to queststate changing or whatever) the script detects the new coordinates and updates your bots (it chooses your last used profile) coordinates.ini!
  • If you wanna update your coordinates manually, you just need to visit any of the three vendors (clarissa, greust or nessa)
  • Also if your coords change you'll get a quick traytip notification!
  • Enjoy!


...hopefully this tiresome topic now disappears at last!

Edited by IeUz

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