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Vote the most annoying Bug u want to be fixed first

Select which bug u want to be Fixed first  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Select which bug u want to be Fixed first

    • Running back and forth cannot decide Explore / Loot
    • Close POE when doing chicken : temporary fix Autopoe
    • Stuck on Quest Item : finish quest before starting bot
    • Stash all Portal and Wisdom : no fix
    • Recasting Aura : set Cooldown : 90000
    • Clicks everything on desktop : clear your desktop
    • Stuck on Large Chest in Catacombs : dont bot in Catacombs
    • In Town, Clicking Portal instead of clicking floor : no fix
    • Fighting Invisible mob : Autopoe (maybe)
    • Bot standing still, cursor moving up and down slowly : no fix
    • 5-Link detection not correct
    • Item Stuck on cursor :

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The purpose of this thread is to help the Developer so they can have a crude number of what bug actually affects more ppl

For example :

Bug A : 3 ppl

Bug B : 10 ppl

With the number above the Developer can prioritize their effort toward the bug that affecting the majority of ppl

I will be listing and updating the bug as much as i can

If u dont find your bug on the list please post it here and please be as specific as u can

If there are certain bug that are allready been resolved please post it here


when voting please consider the importance of how the bug affecting the bot


in my opinion 

The bug that the bot cannot resolve on its own and creating an infinite loop are the ones the Developer should addressed first.

The point of botting is the ability to leave the bot play our game 24/7, wether youre going for 24/7 or not is entilrely your decision but the bot should have that ability, so anything that hinders this should be dealt first.

for example in my opninion i would rate

Bug A : Important

Bug B : Less important, because we can remedy this

Bug C : not important, because bot can still run 24/7

A. Please Fix the Item Stuck on Cursor

creates : infinite Loop / Relog

user remedy : upgrade hardware

**not everyone have the $$ to upgrade, even when u do upgrade hardware, bug still pops, and when u add more bot, ull have the same rate**

B. 0.14f Bot stuck on quest items while trying to stash

creates : infinite Loop

user remedy : finish quest with item before starting bot

**everyone can do this remedy**

C. 0.14h Bot stash all Portal and Wisdom scroll

creates : bot goes to map without scroll

user remedy : none atm

**this bug is not that crucial because the Bot can still run 24/7**



Bug List


Exiledbot 0.15b


Running back and forth >> Cannot decide Explore / Loot

wasting precious time, leaving Loot

0.15b does not need remedy, bot corrects itself after several minutes


Closes POE client when doing chicken

wasting precious time reloading from start

user remedy : Autopoe


Stuck on Quest item

infinite Loop

user remedy : finish quest with item before starting bot


Stash All Portal and Wisdom Scroll

bot goes to map without scroll, bot will SELL un-id Rares if it doesnt have Wisdom on hand at Town

user remedy : none


Recasting aura while bot still have it

user remedy : set Cooldown : 90000 ms


Clicks everything on desktop

user remedy : clear your desktop


Stuck on Large Chest in Catacombs

user remedy : dont bot in Catacombs


In Town, Clicking Portal instead of clicking floor

user remedy : none (upgrade hardware/connection maybe ? not sure)


Fighting Invisible mob

0.15b does not need remedy, bot corrects itself after several minutes


Bot standing still, cursor moving up and down slowly

infinite loop

user remedy : Autopoe


5-Link detection not correct


Item Stuck on cursor

infinite loop

user remedy : none




Bug Squashed by the Dev Team !


Dead Bug List





Edited by hamncheese
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1.- Take portal and back to map, I hate that :cry:   my record 11 portal take/back  ^^ 


2.- When char go to take wp and he still running so the new instance window dont show -.-

Edited by jpbot

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1.- Take portal and back to map, I hate that :cry:   my record 11 portal take/back  ^^ 


2.- When char go to take wp and he still running so the new instance window dont show -.-

1. yeah i have this several times too, what i think happen is :

- bot map/field > creates portal to go town > click portal  > arrive in town > click floor to move, But instead bot click portal again

did i got this right ?


2. yeah i reported this back in 0.14f, since 0.14h i havent seen this problem again, what bot version are u using ?

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For me the most annoying bug is the endless fight against not existing targets (mostly at city of sarn)

yeah i noticed this bug too, the bot would fight invisible enemies, and randomly and i noticed this all over the map, act 1, act 2, act 3, in various maps, after a period of time the bot would somehow relog ? i havent really had the time to really pay attention to this bug

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A constructive thread. Interested to see what the community thinks.

yeap hopefully this way we can gather enough data so the developer can have a clearer path on what to do on next version and such

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Exiledbot 0.15b




Now the bot will attack monsters only within a specific range. This range is the result from the highest attack distance defined in skilled, multiplied by a percent multiplicator defined by the user in GUI (key: "max_range_multiplier" in config.ini file). => Back and fourth loop bug frequency reduced ?


Bug still exist

Running back and forth >> Cannot decide Explore / Loot


Like i mention in my earlier post, im guessing that this has nothing to do with the bot trying to attack something, it has to do with the bot trying to explore.

Altho i noticed something different

previous version 0.14h

bot will keep on dancing infinitely up to 3 hours, and i can only resolve this by using Autopoe


this version 0.15b

bot will only dance up to certain time after that it will walk away, im not sure wether the bot finally manage to loot or not, i was writing this post when that happen, will update if i can verify if the bott loot / not

edit : what i mean certain time : is the time i took to write this post lol maybe about 3 minutes ?

Edited by hamncheese

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imo there are only 2/3 more annoying "bugs" left, the rest is probably minor more or less.

since the thread is about priority i would make the top 3 like that.



1. running back & forth is still happen a lot, even with 0.15b


2. In Town, Clicking Portal instead of clicking floor : no fix (not exactly sure how often it happens, but i have seen it a few times already)


3. item on cursor (never happen to me, but it seems some guys have more issues with that)


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imo there are only 2/3 more annoying "bugs" left, the rest is probably minor more or less.

since the thread is about priority i would make the top 3 like that.



1. running back & forth is still happen a lot, even with 0.15b


2. In Town, Clicking Portal instead of clicking floor : no fix (not exactly sure how often it happens, but i have seen it a few times already)


3. item on cursor (never happen to me, but it seems some guys have more issues with that)

1. agree, this bug still happen a lot in 0.15b altho as i mention earlier it has somehow "fixed" the bot would walk again normally after several minutes (not sure the exact time) thus this bug does not included anymore into the category of "hinders bot ability for 24/7"


2. been running 0.15b for 12 hours or so havent seen incidence with this yet, but as i pointed out, this bug did not hinders the ability of the bot to run 24/7 the bot does will re-enter an empty map, but if the user set the timer on

Max Idle Time (default is 60 sec) so in 60 sec the bot will open a new portal and go back to town (hopefully did not click the portal again lol)


3. so far i havent seen this bug on 0.15b will give it a bit more time then ill take down the Poll for item on cursor bug

Edited by hamncheese

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at the moment im not using Autopoe (offset problem) and i realized theres some crucial bug if were only using the Bot itself without any tools and script


Bot Close Poe client when doing chicken

i repeatedly find the vm window only shows the bot and the poe client closed down, im not entirely sure if its closing the poe client because of chicken or something else, but this happens still very often, and i had to resort to make my own script to handle this

but the point stands, with this bug the bot cannot be run 24/7, im emphasizing the bot, because thats the product that we buy yes ? if the bot needs addons, script or additional software from user to be able to run 24/7 its an incomplete product in my opinion hence why this bug needs the developer attention.


personal opinion

when i realized the developer upped the price of the lifetime from 25$ to 30$ i was dissapointed, why ? because i think this is still an incomplete product, based on what i say just before, sure its their rights to charge any price they like for their product, oh well just an opinion


Bot standing still, cursor moving up and down slowly

so the bot would stand there, not moving at all, will engange mob if theres any, and the cursor is moving up and down slowly

when i write this post, the bot has been in this state around 3 hours, i deliberately leave it alone to see if the bot can resolve itself which it seems it cant and in my opninion is crucial for a 24/7 scenario

heres some screenshot







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** Item Stuck on cursor

after 24 hours of testing the new version 0.15b it seems this bug is gone from this version, hooray ! for the Dev team :D

will remove this bug from the vote so ppl that initially vote this bug can now vote other bug

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i just found out several hours ago that this bug

Item Stuck on cursor

still exist ........ :cry:

and when it happen it still produces infinite loop

sigh... guess ill put that bug back up on the vote list

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First, I'm watching closely this topic.

Thanks for the infos and feedbacks, some may help me to fix these bugs.

I have been trying different technics to avoid back and forth and/or detect it when it happens.

However I have to admit that it was pretty unsuccesful until now :P.

BTW some bugs reported here are not easily "reproducable" as they rely on lag or slow computation time to occur.

Anyway, I'll keep doing until we got something satisfying for everybody.

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First, I'm watching closely this topic.

Thanks for the infos and feedbacks, some may help me to fix these bugs.

I have been trying different technics to avoid back and forth and/or detect it when it happens.

However I have to admit that it was pretty unsuccesful until now :P.

BTW some bugs reported here are not easily "reproducable" as they rely on lag or slow computation time to occur.

Anyway, I'll keep doing until we got something satisfying for everybody.


Glad this thread can be somewhat of use for the Dev :)

Alkpone, have u tried maxing out a PC with as much bot as it can handle ?

i think a lot of ppl in here are using this bot with whatever PC they have on hand and maxed it with the number of bot the PC can handle

so if i may give some suggestion why not using some old PC box , or laptop even, and multi bot it, to reproduce the bug, if thats what u need that is

but if all u need is some visual confirmation id be more than happy to provide some video when the bug happen

Edited by hamncheese

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Exiledbot 0.15b



Bug still exist

Running back and forth >> Cannot decide Explore / Loot


Like i mention in my earlier post, im guessing that this has nothing to do with the bot trying to attack something, it has to do with the bot trying to explore.

Altho i noticed something different

previous version 0.14h

bot will keep on dancing infinitely up to 3 hours, and i can only resolve this by using Autopoe


this version 0.15b

bot will only dance up to certain time after that it will walk away, im not sure wether the bot finally manage to loot or not, i was writing this post when that happen, will update if i can verify if the bott loot / not

edit : what i mean certain time : is the time i took to write this post lol maybe about 3 minutes ?


running back and forth from loot is deffinitely the worst atm, huge time sink and lost loot, happens A LOT

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Glad this thread can be somewhat of use for the Dev :)

Alkpone, have u tried maxing out a PC with as much bot as it can handle ?

i think a lot of ppl in here are using this bot with whatever PC they have on hand and maxed it with the number of bot the PC can handle

so if i may give some suggestion why not using some old PC box , or laptop even, and multi bot it, to reproduce the bug, if thats what u need that is

but if all u need is some visual confirmation id be more than happy to provide some video when the bug happen


As computer configurations and performances can differ a lot, users has to see by themselves what's the best settings for what they need.

It's very hard to fix lag and low performances issues because fixing them may create some side effects on other configurations.


However I'm trying to do my best and actually I would like to have some feedback here, based on the last patch notes.

Suggestions for fix are welcome as well but I'm afraid that it is pretty hard to suggest a solution when you don't know the architecture and the source of the a project.

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what about turning off the bot pathfinding while the bot is trying to loot ? When you click on an  item to pick it up your toon get the path to the item from the game

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also make sure guys if you are removing an aura from your skill set to turn off the Is Aura button, if left on and there's no aura for the keybind then the bot will just stand there at the entrance of the instance and do nothing.

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Bot clicking on aura, curses, etc  icons (top of screen)

hmm i havent seen 0.15b doing this

but the bot did click Outside of poe window, and its quite often, most notably when poe is loading a new map, the bot would spamm :

map selection then after a while it started clicking left ouside of poe window

how ofte did u see Bot clicking Aura Curses etc ?

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As computer configurations and performances can differ a lot, users has to see by themselves what's the best settings for what they need.

It's very hard to fix lag and low performances issues because fixing them may create some side effects on other configurations.


However I'm trying to do my best and actually I would like to have some feedback here, based on the last patch notes.

Suggestions for fix are welcome as well but I'm afraid that it is pretty hard to suggest a solution when you don't know the architecture and the source of the a project.

what kind of feedback do u need Alk ?

would a collection of videos from multiple ppl showing certain bug help ?

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