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Using a spell to break/open vases

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I am running in the catacombs and there are aloooot of vases and small breakable items, however the way the bot is currently setup my character manually clicks each one.. which is very slow and I would think very un-humanlike.


Is there anyway to get my character to like use one of my AOE spells only for opening breakables?

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Yup. Sure is.


If your bot doesn't open the vases right away it will use whatever key you have to use on fail.




Change it to whatever you want or leave default.


Now just put a AoE skill on that keybind, keep priority as 1 and cooldown as 1000. and checkmark "Use shift while pressing skill"


I do this on my facebreaker because I run into the same issue.

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Dual strike aint good for this, and leam slam doesnt seem to work to good either. Would be nice to know if anyone found a skill that makes this 100% smooth.. Didnt take my time to experience on this yet. Hard to expect anything would do this 100% smooth though, any feedback on good skills to use on urns  will be appriciated! :)

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There should be option to open CHEST and SHITTY vases etc.

From chests there is always some loot, and its fast.

Opening 10 vases/crates etc is wasting of time, or bot should open it with attack (which is ussualy aoe so all of them will be opened in one time)

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There should be option to open CHEST and SHITTY vases etc.

From chests there is always some loot, and its fast.

Opening 10 vases/crates etc is wasting of time, or bot should open it with attack (which is ussualy aoe so all of them will be opened in one time)

I agree, perhaps there can be an option in the target selection





Edited by Walt

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+100 on this. I'd like to open Chest without caring for vases, or Chest and Vases if the vase is AUTOMATICALLY broke with a spell. No one in his right mind would ever click them one by one. It shouldn't be a fail proof option, it should be by default.

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There should be option to open CHEST and SHITTY vases etc.

From chests there is always some loot, and its fast.

Opening 10 vases/crates etc is wasting of time, or bot should open it with attack (which is ussualy aoe so all of them will be opened in one time)

completly agree, vases rather seems like a waste of time if you consider loot/time.


would be a dream to have an option to only open chests ;)

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