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VM graphics smoothness

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Sometimes I want to manually play one of my accounts for various reasons and I want the graphics to be like it is on my host OS, but there is all this lag and choppiness no matter how many resources I give it.  None of my hardware is maxed out.  Any tips?


Edit: It isn't choppy all the time, just every 10 seconds or so.  This comes down to a huge FPS drop that lasts maybe 2 seconds and then the cycle repeats.  I already tried limiting the FPS and it doesn't matter...if I limit the FPS to 20 the drops just go to maybe 5 FPS instead of dropping from 80 to 20.  The result is the same.  Again, none of my hardware is being significantly taxed.

Edited by foom

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If your hardware isn't being taxed, it could be that your GPU is actually damaged... Or you have a really crappy harddrive, Have you done a benchmark test for either of them?

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I'm running 2 x GTX 660 which run games fine on the host and benchmarks appropriately... the hard drive the VM is sitting on is 2 x 120 GB SSD in RAID 0 and it reads at 950 MB/sec according to CrystalDiskMark.

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I remember I had this problem when I wasn't playing with bot long time ago, try adding "-gc 2" in shortcut, it might work for you


L.E.: Check the temperature of your components, especially GPU

Edited by ChiefNoob

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Did you install VMware tools ?


Yes I did.


I remember I had this problem when I wasn't playing with bot long time ago, try adding "-gc 2" in shortcut, it might work for you


L.E.: Check the temperature of your components, especially GPU



Will do.  Note also that this problem is exclusive to when I'm using VM. On main Win 7 OS, no such issues.  Will update after utilizing gc2 later.

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"-gc 2 -swa -ns" are all great commands to add to your path to reduce the chance of freezing or crashing

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I eliminated this issue by overlocking my processor - bumping my i5-4670K from 3.4ghz stock to 4.5ghz.  Not sure why there wasn't enough juice there before, to be honest, as the issue occurred even when the processor wasn't maxed.

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