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[Release] PoE MultiScript 1.0.5+ (AutoFlask & AutoQuit)

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Ever consider changing the alt+w hotkey to something else?


Personally I use w to move my character and I so frequently miss press alt w that I needed to block the hotkey, otherwise PoE turned into 3500x1000 client size.


Amazing script nonetheless. =P

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I cannot for the life of me figure out why, but this script will not work for me. I had trouble with quicksilver flasks before the new patch, but it is now completely broken. The script is clearly not the problem, as many are using it. If anyone knows of any software clashes, or other issues preventing it from doing it's thing, please let me know.

I uninstalled AHK and made sure I installed the correct version per the instructions, not sure what else could be borking it.

Edited by Yogurthose

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Didn't even know what Garena was prior to this bot. I use the standalone version, no crazy software\hacks or anything helping me. I'm running no other AHK scripts, and didn't change anything on the bot other than what the GUI allows me to change. It's highly unlikely that it's any clash of software.

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Yogurthose, only issues that I have seen is people not updating pointers (like you said thats out of your hand mostly, you can edit the config to force refresh it, remove after both baseMgrPtr= & MD5Hash= )and people not running the exe as admin (so it can't create the config file or read the game).

Also the current version will only work standalone as immo said.

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Might be the run as admin thing. Didn't even think of it. Trying now.

It's fixed. Thanks very much for your help guys. I wasn't running as admin. Derp.

Edited by Yogurthose

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Thank you for the awesome script, its been a huge help since our bot is unable to handle anything but life flasks.


I'd kindly ask you to update the .ahk file to the latest version like you did with the .exe when you get the chance. I was using a slight modification to quicksilver flask duration, but - of course - I cannot edit the .exe. If you're still looking for suggestions in general then a quicksilver flask duration slider would be nice (but probably has been suggested enough times before).

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The only problem I have with this script is that it focuses me out of the POE window for some reason. I have to click back in the window to play again. It's not a problem for the bot but it gets kind of annoying when I'm manually playing.

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UPDATE ON 08/27/2014


Change Logs:


1. Updated Steam offsets for patch 1.2.0.


2. Added a way to change the Hotkeys, right click on the tray icon and click on "Configure Hotkeys" .

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So after this last update, my autoflask is not working properly. I run as admin and it shows in tray, "poe autoflask mana pot 5" but still doesn't use the potion.

 Any ideas?



 So, now it is using my middle mouse button when it says  it is using a flask? how did it get so jacked up? deleted again and config file, but still same thing.

Please help, I am to lazy to watch my pots lol

Edited by shaun1978

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tested and working ok but fails more than helps for me, same than eb tools.

with exiled bot alone poe can be running some hours, but with poe multiscript or eb tools, after some runs it get stopped, seems like some key is pressed, when I see it, I manually press ctrl key and then it continues running

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Quick question - Is there any way to chicken to character selection screen instead of login screen?  Have intermittent issues with VPN so acct gets locked when trying to log back in.



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Gurud After Path of Exile update patch 1.22. The lastest script dint work anymore. Cant continue to play hardcore high map with this risk XD. Please fix

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UPDATE ON 09/12/2014


Change Logs:


1. Fixed bugs introduced on the last script (auto shift and health % per hit  feature)


2. Updated offsets to 1.2.2


3. Added new option to use status ailments flasks (frozen, shocked, burning)


4. QuickSilver flask will now only be used if there are no other quicksilver flask already running (so the if you use the quicksilver the script detects that and won't use another one over that)


Full changes:

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