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Could you help me configure marauder skills in Exiled Bot

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Since we need to wait for new bot, maybe u guys could give me some advice how to configure my marauder skills in Exiled Bot?


Thoose skills probably could be configured, their attack rats is in []:

Left Mouse Button - Heavy Strike (mele single target) [0,99s]

Right Mouse Button - Ground Slam (mele aoe) [0,99s]

Q - Enduring Cry [0,50s]

W - Leap Slam (jumping to target) [1,31s]

E - Warlord's Mark [0,50s]


I dont know exactl how to prioritize thoose attacks (bigger number means higher priority?), which cooldown should i set, minimal and maximal range etc (range is in pixels?). In normal playing im using Heavy Strike on single target and Ground Slam on multiple ones and all what i did is to set Ground Slam to attack if there are at least 3 mobs in range. All skills are set with Target - Both.


p.s ive got mainly Hallowed Life Flasks with 1440 life and 11,9s recovery time, should i set flask recovery time accordingly in Exiled Bot?



Edited by zdupix

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