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[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]

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updated released.

1.) Update bug solved.

2.) Skills settings Mousewheel and RMB issue solved.

This was more or less a hotfix - more to come as soon as I got the time for more testing the InvCleaner feature.

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New update released.

InvCleaner will now sell items to vendor in act 2.

Right now this is the only act supported (other will follow shortly).


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i know its not your responsibility mate lol but the bats been spamming in town log my items exit log my items exit, finaly it goes into combat runs along the top side and stands at the monsters lol,

i know ya workign on it, i see inv needs act 2... but iw as only ytrying to dump them? lol im act 3 sarn,

hope this wil help ya with anything, i can make videeo if ya need more feedback dude :) keep up the work

THEN i come back and i see it ''kep drop''in on my helm!! i shit it so on the 50th f12 it paused and i saw my 2 ex axe on the floor too damn lucky i came int he room lol, was outside xD

just letin ya know so ya can fix it, duno wtf its doing,

i cant bot without dieing lol and im epic leaper lvl 74 lol, it was fine before this update farmed everythign without dieing 1nce,

now im either

*spammed item logging

*standing at mobs

*throing my awsome shit away (sorry if you think its trash lol but i dont xD)

*oooh yeah another 1... it takes off my auras recasts them alot lol


































enable_game_automatic_restart=true ; Define here if you want to game to automatically restart when closed. Moreover, true will start the game unpaused and false will start the game paused.

character_to_use=0 ; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 0, top character).

run_max_time=300 ; maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again

monster_no_kill_timeout=30 ; if the bot didn't kill anything during last 300s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature)

zone_to_clean_difficulty=3 ; Set the difficulty desired (1 = normal, 2 = cruel, 3 = merciless)

zone_to_clean_act=3 ; Important!! you have to give the act which the zone belongs

zone_to_clean=the_city_of_sarn ; Zone like written in coordinates.ini without _x/_y

last_difficulty_unlocked=3 ; Last difficulty unlocked (1 = normal, 2 = cruel, 3 = merciless)

last_act_unlocked=3 ; Last act unlocked

use_alt_to_loot=true ; If you want to use Alt to loot items, setting this option to true may reduce the number of crap loot, to use this parameter

open_chest=true ; open chest at range

chest_range=600 ; open chest under this range (clean monsters before) (0 : infinite)


monster_max_attack_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to engage monsters

safe_range=300 ; Bot will kill any monster at this range before looting anything (chest and item)


chicken_life_percent=0.30 ; if life goes below this value, chicken (not working atm)

chicken_energy_shield_percent=0.00 ; if energy shield goes below this value, chicken (default : 0, means that it is desactivated)

use_life_flask_percent=0.75 ; if life goes below this value, use pot (default : 0.75)

use_mana_flask_percent=0.00 ; if mana goes below this value, use pot (default : 0.2)

flask_key_slot1=1 ; Flask key in first slot (begining from left)

flask_slot1_recharge_rate=7000 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot2=2 ; Flask key in second slot (begining from left)

flask_slot2_recharge_rate=6500 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot3=3 ; Flask key in third slot (begining from left)

flask_slot3_recharge_rate=0 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot4=4 ; Flask key in fourth slot (begining from left)

flask_slot4_recharge_rate=5600 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot5=5 ; Flask key in fifth slot (begining from left)

flask_slot5_recharge_rate=5600 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_delay=3000 ; Flask cooldown to avoid using flask multiple times when low life (default : 3000)

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my bot is also standing in the middle of mobs, i set left click to move only, no priorty and it just keeps spam clicking walk on mobs, set rmb priority and skill and it still just clicks mobs if my settings are wrong can you give example of ideal skill setting for leap slammer?

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Sry, but don't you think it's useless to post a x thousand lines log into the forum?!

You didn't even use the newest gui to create your profiles. - pretty sure you are missing some things.

Do not even dump inventory, Act 2 or nothing - that's it. Periode.

I am working on it and I am pretty sure that I will be able to present something new to you this weekend.


np - use this - this works fine for me (all auras are used)

LMB = walk; middle = leap slam; RMB = cleave;

Q=whirling blades; W=Grace; E=Haste; R=Anger; T=Determination

; Bot skills config file
; ======================
; created by ExiledBot GUI (EBG) v1.25a (c) Shrek_III
; This file is part of the "very special" Profile.

skill0_key = mouse_left
skill0_min_distance_value =0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill0_max_distance_value =0 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill0_cooldown=0 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill0_priority=0 ; Priority of the skill
skill0_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill1_key = mouse_right
skill1_min_distance_value =0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill1_max_distance_value =150 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill1_cooldown=50 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill1_priority=10 ; Priority of the skill
skill1_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill2_min_distance_value =151 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill2_max_distance_value =700 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill2_cooldown=250 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill2_priority=1 ; Priority of the skill
skill2_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill3_min_distance_value=0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill3_max_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill3_priority=0 ; Priority of the skill
skill3_cooldown=0 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill3_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill4_min_distance_value=0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill4_max_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill4_cooldown=0 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill4_priority=0 ; Priority of the skill
skill4_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill5_min_distance_value=0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill5_max_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill5_cooldown=0 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill5_priority=0 ; Priority of the skill
skill5_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill6_min_distance_value=0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill6_max_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill6_cooldown=0 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill6_priority=0 ; Priority of the skill
skill6_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

skill7_min_distance_value=0 ; Min distance to use this skill
skill7_max_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to use this skill
skill7_cooldown=0 ; Skill recast timer in milliseconds
skill7_priority=0 ; Priority of the skill
skill7_is_aura=false ; Set here to true if you want to use this skill as an aura

I am still using Aura/Cry/Curse enhancement of EBG.

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i didnt know what you would or might need mate, im not writing it :S so i posted all log relevant.... can i ask how im not using the new gui?? i downladed it and i did the ''get update'' it updaeded it and the bugs or so it has told me,

i mean when ya start it up it always says update if there is 1 how coudl i ave not done it??

i know about act 2 only thats why i said i know, i just thaught if your obviously gona fix other acts too id post what happened to me when i accidently did it,

just tryin to help, ive follwoed and done all updates everytime i see them, and im stil havin massive errors compared to the old edit that worked fine,

its spamming auras at mobs or stck on the wp, ive increased click delay toi 1000

to running into packs, im not even using the inv dump any more i dont trust it, i cant get it workign act 2 either, so im happy with curency only for now, and levels, but that wotn even happen anymore :S

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I hope to god that everyone that has complained has donated to this man. I find it works awesome.

Way better than without it.

For everyone thats having problems with the skills what you can do is setup the skills without using Shreks GUI then save the file as read only so his GUI cant touch it. Works like a charm then

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Hey guys. I have a problem installing the EBG-Version. When i run the .exe it tells me it could not write the EBG/Configuration/config.ini ?! I am logged in as Administrator on my Pc. Win7

My Laptop tells the same. Win XP

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Hey guys. I have a problem installing the EBG-Version. When i run the .exe it tells me it could not write the EBG/Configuration/config.ini ?! I am logged in as Administrator on my Pc. Win7

My Laptop tells the same. Win XP

Hi i get this when the very first time i used this. this is a actually minor problem.

first download this, this is the main bot program.

And then place this ebg.exe into the downloaded folder.

Open ebg.exe and you are prompt to update. do it, and then run again and it will be fine

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i changed my desctop to 800/600 and ebg wud show up as a white box if i alter it out to 1029/10xx it works like a charm,

the bots running again now :D i mean its killing atleast fekin commited suiside to get a scrol and open a chest, so ive unticked open chest and scrols, :(

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i changed my desctop to 800/600 and ebg wud show up as a white box if i alter it out to 1029/10xx it works like a charm,

the bots running again now :D i mean its killing atleast fekin commited suiside to get a scrol and open a chest, so ive unticked open chest and scrols, :(

Changing your desktop to 800x600 is not a good idea, because the bot-window has to be 800x600 (so in fact it's even larger caption/titlebar, borders).

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Hey guys. I have a problem installing the EBG-Version. When i run the .exe it tells me it could not write the EBG/Configuration/config.ini ?! I am logged in as Administrator on my Pc. Win7

My Laptop tells the same. Win XP

Hi i get this when the very first time i used this. this is a actually minor problem.

first download this, this is the main bot program.

And then place this ebg.exe into the downloaded folder.

Open ebg.exe and you are prompt to update. do it, and then run again and it will be fine

"first download this, this is the main bot program."

I Did

"And then place this ebg.exe into the downloaded folder."

What are you talking about? Please can u be more specific? I placed the file in the Bot folder and in my downloads folder, nothing is working here! Whats going on?

"Open ebg.exe and you are prompt to update."

Sorry no, still the "it could not write the EBG/Configuration/config.ini" BS

"do it, and then run again and it will be fine"

Sorry, doesnt work for me.

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Got it, my fault. Just encountered the rmb skill is not used!?!

Tried to set the Skill to MW and RMB but doesnt help at all, just not attacking, running the Bot without the GUI now doesnt work either!!! Before i installed the GUI it worked like a charm, whats going on here?

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Got it, my fault. Just encountered the rmb skill is not used!?!

Tried to set the Skill to MW and RMB but doesnt help at all, just not attacking, running the Bot without the GUI now doesnt work either!!! Before i installed the GUI it worked like a charm, whats going on here?

hey miss,

I dont know if its the same problem, but ive got the same error a fews days ago, when i try bot without shrek gui.

What i find is, when you want use a gui unofficial with the exiled bot, you must keep clear (without any modification) the .ini of exiled bot. Just change your setting on GUI and its work for me :)

gl hf

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Hey Zantetsu - Thanks for the advice, what do you mean by "(without any modification)"?

Because i only need the "Random Move" Feature, but how do i proceed to not get my ini files mixed up?

Thank you

Reinstalled the Bot - everything works fine

Installed the GUI - Same BS again - Bot is no longer attacking the Mobs

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hey bro!

in regards to "Because i only need the "Random Move" Feature, but how do i proceed to not get my ini files mixed up?"

just save you ini files as read only then the program wont be able to override the settings

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Have you created a new profile? Or are you using a profile of an older version?

I strongly recommend creating a new profile everytime a new version of EBG/Exiled Bot is released.

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Please tell me i'm just overlooking something stupid. Just downloaded Gui and now the bot wont use any of the skills. I have it all set up to the same distance/cooldown/priority values etc. But now my toon just runs around and attacks with the LMB and I dont have anything set to that in the config. Any help would be great. My bot went from awesome to useless...

Not to mention when I went back to use normal old exile bot, it suddenly stopped using skills too. I assume the Gui messed with it..

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Have you created a new profile? Or are you using a profile of an older version?

I strongly recommend creating a new profile everytime a new version of EBG/Exiled Bot is released.

Hey Shrek,

thank you for your quick answer. Well, yes i did create a new Profile, but still, its not useing the RMB/MWB Skills. It only uses all my Auras very well, better as the normal Bot would do. When i join an instance, it 1st cast all Auras, but after it, it just keeps running to the mobs and try to LMB em!?!

hey bro!

in regards to "Because i only need the "Random Move" Feature, but how do i proceed to not get my ini files mixed up?"

just save you ini files as read only then the program wont be able to override the settings

Its not a bro, dude ;).

Thank you very much for the advice, i will try it and let you know.

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