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Help with setup

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Hello, I need some help. I do not understand English very well, it is very difficult to configure farm / sell items in the bot. Could someone pass me the simple farm .ini file? I just need a file that collects and sells RGB, normally collects other currencies, open a new map on the map device as soon as I finish the previous map.

I feel very disappointed for not being able to configure this part. Several errors happen, sometimes the item is not sell, sometimes the bot does not collect floor maps, sometimes the bot does not start a new map, just close...


But my biggest problem is that the bot does not start a new map, it just relog, doesn’t do anything and closes, I make video, look: 


Please, I need help

Edited by Lion464

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Your max run time is only 1 minute and 40 seconds, then he'll try to make a new map.. also you need to list ALL the tabs you want the bot to see next to "stash tabs", it should read "4,6,7", currently you're telling it stash tab 6 has maps but it's not in it's table of all stash tabs. I'd also turn on log clearing.And give the bot more time after you hit start.

Lastly, make less posts, spend more time reading.

Edited by RangerRick

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