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Posts posted by Delamonica

  1. yes correct , but u can edit the pickup file so that the bot picks up 3-4 link and sells them ( but i saw that this is not very good because when your inventory is full the bot stands still and clicks 1000 times on the item on ground )


    but u can get some chromatic orbs this way.


    the bot will also pick up rares and identify them for you when u want and then u can get some awesome gear while farming orbs

  2. When i want that the bot picks up chests with hp and 2 random res ( cold + fire , cold + lightning , lightning + fire ) would this work ?


    [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"


    [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" &&  [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"


    [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" &&  [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"



    or will the bot sell cold+ lightning res because the  fire cold + res alrdy was not true ?


    same with linked items , will the bot sell my 6 link because i told him to sell 3 links ?


    [sockets] >= "5" && [Linked] >= "5" # [stashItem] == "true"  


    [sockets] >= "3" && [Linked] >= "3" [sellUnid] == "true" 


    thx for answers  :mrgreen:

  3. i farm in libary ( merciless)


    the bot is working ok for me in the libary except the 2 issues .


    1. sometimes the character keeps moving back and forth as if he cant decide in what direction he wants to go . he does it until  the bot times out because no monster was killed .


    2. sometimes when the bot goes to a stack of jars , he just stand in them and does nothing ( maybe he tries to reach the jar behind 2 jars but cant move to it because the 2 jars are blocking the way). he does it until he times out because no monster was killed


    if u want logs, then i will  add them


    if u need a better explaination of the problems then i will try to write it better

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