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Everything posted by dasnon

  1. i think some idiot bought them all hahahah
  2. dasnon

    aufeinmal geht nichts mehr

    liegt an dir. lösch mal den ganzen ordner, lad neu runter, und stell auf rechtklick irgendeine melee attacke ein. müsst ganz normal funktionieren. bzw lad neu runter und stell die skills neu ein
  3. hehe prices are exploding Oo
  4. dasnon

    Ich bin ein echter deutscher

    ich dachte das wird hier
  5. sry my english is not the best: 1.10 they complete remove item quantity on blue/yellow AND remove item quantity support gem? an that on the whole game?(incl. standard)?
  6. Have some questions(didnt tried the script, dont know if it does that what i need). My POE is crashing and I dont know why. It seems to do something with the performance of my VM's or with my ProxyConnection. ; In game: Unstuck. -> does it helps versus the loot/path - loop? ; In game: If x time without a new game it's reached, restart eb and poe. -> does this only work when POE isnt crashed? If its working when POE crashed, this would solve all my problems( the word "In game" is a lil bit confusing) ; In game: If resurrect screen its detected, restart eb and poe; -> dont unterstand exactly whats the benefit of this? I thought that at resurrect screen EB itself restarts POE and EB? Thanks for sharing and also thanking if someone could answer my questions
  7. dasnon

    Made 70 Exalted Orbs in 2 days!

    shit man. loled hard. best troll seen since long " You don't play 18 hours a day in the same place? "
  8. dasnon

    VMWARE + Nvidia gtx 770 have problem

    i would reinstall whole windows and set up from 0. or you could try to change vmware version7. your problem seems to me to have something to do with your graphic driver(are all drivers up to date?)
  9. does this ahk is able to read the stash or just always change after x minutes?(30 mins in 1 ; 30 mins in 2 ; 30 mins in 3...?) thanks for sharing
  10. dasnon

    EPIC LOLS ....

    chris " Please don't bot our game. " . the guy is trolling hard!!! 100%
  11. dasnon

    [All my founded Aura Bugs]

    i tried it today. now it works. i dont know what changed, but im pretty sure about 2-3 weeks ago it was broken or i made something wrong
  12. dasnon

    [All my founded Aura Bugs]

    [1] If in the bot settings is checked to use Portal Scroll, the bot use Portal Scroll and go back to the Zone, but all Auras are up. The Bot forgot that the auras were already casted. [2] Sometimes(it stopped for me, doesnt know if it was fixed), the bot casts and recasts Aura. Some people stated its because of high latency [3] Sometimes the Mouse Cursore wants to move to a specific positions. And aims for a special point and aims denn on a Aura Icon; Or Blood Rage Icon, Or quicksilver Flask icon for example. I hope its understandable what I mean: The pathing navigates on the Buffed or Debuffed Icons on the upper left corner and sends I think Mouse Left and so the bot doesnt do anything
  13. dasnon

    Aura .... Bug ... casting recasting

    "is aura" yes "press shift" yes _____________ @mbxnir you are maybe right , now it works perfect, but i really think devs should do something about auras! it kills kill/item per hour radical, using auras. if you use aura you also cant use town portal back
  14. like the topic name says. my bot casts and recasts. any ideas why?
  15. dasnon

    wie picken + verkaufen?

  16. dasnon

    is this normal?[Aura Behaviour on Portal Usage]

    i run three auras with blood magic skill tree( not gem). hmm I think it happens everytime, that the bot doesnt recognize aura is running( maybe this because i run it on life?) maybe a solution would be if checked "use townportal if avaible" that the bot creates the TP and resend the keys from the skill setup where "is aura" is checked. im not a programmer, i dont know if thats easy or not, but would solve the problem. could a dev write on this or are you too busy? if so im sorry
  17. im using since two dawys town portal support. the problem is if u run a low life aura build the bot will use all life flasks when you create a new instance because the bot reloads alls auras again. my english is not best i will try it to explain easy: -> running three aura on life -> farming mode -> inventory full -> TownPortal -> Identify/Sell/Stash -> New Instance Creation -> all three auras are up -> Bot deactivates and activates all auras -> life getting lower and lower near zero -> Bot use all Flasks -> Bot bot with zero flask remaining i hope devs know what i mean
  18. dasnon

    increased movement speed - bot works bad

    tried to reduce it wont make it better. pretty annoqing. cant use bloodrage because bot is too fast.
  19. i think i discovered the problem ....: AHK doesnt send normal Keys well becaus of bot is in permanent aciton. if im in the air the ahk script doesnt recognise it... will try it with better skill setup thanks for your help Edit: both scripts cant get worked at same time... if I make send E send E send E sleep bloodrage will be activated but quicksilver flask wont .... any ideas? would it be better to combine quicksilver and bloodrage in the same ahk file? is that possible?
  20. Please can someone test this??? I have now minimum spend 5 hours and it doesnt work .... bloodrage.bmp eye.bmp
  21. im not sure if its working now. i expand the searching window, do you know if AHK is confused when searching with the two different script the same picture? i seperated now the two ordners and now it seems to work EDIT: doesnt work, see post below
  22. dasnon

    whats the benefit of using town portal scrolls ?

    hehe ok. will also use it from now
  23. thanks stef. i run three araus + two icons appears of the movement speed increase. maybe thats the problem. the pics i made i would say are 100% correct
  24. if somebody has a problem with bloodrage try these settings: THANKS TO IMMO!!! """ i'm using Bloodrage for my duallist aswell, but i am activating it directly through EB! Did you try the following skill configuration: Key: hotkey for BR Cooldown: 12000 Priority: 9 Max distance: 550 Min. distance: 0 leave the other options as default. This is working perfectly for me... maybe this can already fix your problem. """ can someone write me a blood rage script? i tried it minimum 3 hours . ( i think its obvious that the code is copy and pasted ^^. thanks for sharing TO again) i dont understand why its not sending q right. i want that the script send q after releasing aura or releasing quicksilver movement flask. any ideas? would be very nice if someone could help me my problem is now fixed. thanks to stef and immo
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