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Posts posted by dasnon

  1. You have any advice on what a good one would be? I don't mind if I don't have access to the computer while its running


    I also read through your guide I have a VM running right now using a VPN but its extremely slow even with the FPS program running and all the settings low


    Not just the connection but the whole VM itself

    here is an vpn service around(private, you have to pay i think 5dollar a month), which are a lot of people(i think so) using. free VPNs are bullshit(99%).



    i didnt tested his services, but you can read the thread for his feedback.


    FPS programm = reduce CPU usage radically(doesnt have to do a lot with the VPN). when whole VM is slow they are three reasons mainly: a) bad VM installtion(if you setup like in the guides, this shouldnt be the problem) b) bad PC gear(your pc cant handle the usage of an VM c) bad windows settings in VM: should be as low as possible, to save ressources. b) is forcing you to c): limit as much as possible windows host/windows guest

  2. if soon bot is not usable people will leave, crack it , or use other bot.

    why you dont put the fucking auth away? its better that everybody can use the bot for now then that the people who paid cant use it.

    im seeing no sense letting authing this fucking shit 

  3. i didnt have much time the last 20-30 days and so i didnt go after some bugs which i got. i wasnt sure if it was my setup or EB but i think not that i am pretty sure that its EB's fault. I set up whole vms new with new settings, everything from zero, from the tutorials other made. the only " bigger " change to EB was system.ini




    ; Bot system config file
    ; AI clicks per second (default=10)
    ; Delay in milliseconds between each click when selecting an area
    ; Set here the delay in ms to wait before looting an item (to ensure that the item is really the one we want)
    ; Set here the delay in ms to wait after casting aura to check it has been properly casted
    ; Monster absurd hp value, if value get higher monster will be ignored
    ; Player absurd hp value, if value get higher, we are offline
    ; Distance moved each time to get closer of the target
    ; Distance used to stop pathfinding and start using skills on monsters
    ; Set distance explored while character is running around the map
    ; Set width of the ray used to check if there is a wall or not between player and entity
    cpu/ram load at maybe 30% and the bot isnt able to click an area?! does somebody have an idea whats wrong? it so damn annoying to see this bug the last 30 days and not fixed, btw I didnt manage to fix that, even with complete clean and clear downloaded EB.

  4. Yes it is a known bug, but I'll not work on it, read older posts, I'll not update this except for the offsets.


    There are options for delay in the ini, read the readme.txt


    As I said, I'll not update this except for the offsets


    i read whole thread but i wasnt sure, because some people stated they have near zero errors and others said that they have the same like me.

    thank you anyway 

  5. Why Exit to char screen is better than exit to login ?

     when u use for example 8 vms and your host cpu is running at 80-95% and for example VM1 and VM2 at similiar time hit exit to login screen, cpu jumps so sick that it will through or lag dead the other vms you are running. its also possible it crashs other vms. exit to login and exit to char have 100% different cpu usages. i tested it several times

  6. i got the problem that when using Autopoe, Exiled Bot keeps crashing and is always restarted. did someone know what i have maybe done wrong? sometimes it runs 10 mins without probs and then windows reports that EB crashed. 



    folderpath=C:\Program Files\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile
    arguments=-ns --nopreload -gc 2

  7. Hi devs,

    i am using autopoe and its recommended to switch from "Exit to Login Screen" to "Exit to Character Selection" - i tested it and its a lot of less performance using if the bot goes back to character selection. the problem now is that the bot doesnt recognize it properly and never casts auras if i use exit to character selection. all my bots use auras and so i have to use exit to login screen in configs. it would be very nice if this could be changed, that the bot also casts auras when character selection is used. 



  8. its nvidia. fuck that graka. have the same problems and botting is such a pain. i didnt used vmware because it was not nesessary with WoW.... now all the shit is fucking up. i botted with 30+ accounts one week WoW, beeing in vacation and not clicking even one fucking click with my hand and now im not nearly get this automation grade because of my nvidia. i have the same pc rig as you (geforce gtx 660 ti). i could run 8 vmwares with bots. i think 7 very very stable, because of freezing shit it doesnt make sense to bot with nvidia. some people are saying that they fixed these bug. i tried a lot of tips from honorbuddy forum and it doesnt worked. 

  9. Alk this is what happen to all my bot,

    after every return to town (using town portal of course, because using relog will dismiss the aura)

    the bot ALWAYS forgot he has Auras UP

    so in every Map Re-Run bot will ALWAYS re-cast Aura


    did you tried new version? my got fixed

  10. i want to setup a bad pc , which cant handle 2 vmwares proberly. so i use 1vmware and and the normal desktop with one bot. 

    i dont want to bot on the desktop 24/7 and so I tried to automate start and stop of the bot. 

    starting with autopoe isnt problem and timing it with a batch, but i got problems with ending it.


    i used two bats:



    @echo OFF
    taskkill /im autopoe.exe
    it doesnt kill it proberly. it changes only to pause mode. i want to kill it completely. also exiled bot is not killable because it needs to be pressed "Ok" to close it. 
    does somebody have a solution for this?

  11. is zwar 5 tage "zu" spät:

    allgemein würde ich dir raten die shoutbox zu verwenden wenn du dringende fragen hast(richtige anfängerfragen, die 1000 mal beantwortet wurden, werden prinzipiell ungern von den leuten nochmal beantworten). und ganz allgemein, dass forum is sehr international und ich denke dass zwar doch einige deutschsprachige user hier sind, aber bei jedem problem würde ich versuchen dieses in englisch zu schildern, weil einfach die anzahl der leute, die dir helfen könnten mit der englischen sprachnutzung explodiert. zu deinem bug, denke ich dass du eine veraltete version hast. den bug hab ich immer wenn ich mit EB botten will und die offsets geupdtaded wurden.


    der thread is einer der wichtigsten für neuligne: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1682-guide-for-beginners-exiledbot-compendium/

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