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Posts posted by sniper101

  1. well it is kinda fix for me i somehow just keep on doing it then it fixes by itself xD anyways good update is there a way that you can change the fix time on auto scheduler for example 6:00 am - 8:00 to number of hours so whenever i turn on a vm everything will be automatically setup by itself and closes after certain number of time 


    and an option that shut down a vm itself as well after that number of hours that would be hella useful  

    Just need to figure out how to open new bot team after shutting down those old bot team

  2. And after a bit of testing all works sweeeeeeeet so far :)

    Another feature request: Add command line option in your own exe so that it can autostart on run. Would enable other progs to start EB Tools (e.g. scheduled tasks which I use to give the bot human like breaks but could be other scripts people may want to write).

    Thanks dude

    and the auto shutdown when theres update like autopoe does it will be further than godlike mode if those features were in

  3. i tried searching forums but didnt get any thing thats related


    so problem is one of my vm keeps clicking waypoints and moving after clicking it  leaving my char stuck having to choose wich area to bot cause its not near the wp when its choosing. autopoe fixes this but it still keeps on doing same exact thing after client relog so im back to square one


    anyone have a fix/mini fix  for this? its really annoying seing how your bot gets stucked


  4. k so I connected to my vpn> open up the lifeguard> change config> put my poe.exe w.e in softwares to managed> check all autorun.  and tried disconnecting my vpn manually 


    what happen is it closes poe client> connects vpn client> then open poe client 


    real problem is it always patch after it opens the poe client. and it just keeps on doing the same thing over and over again and im running out of disk space and it never ends 


    anyone has encounter this? and has a fix?


  5. Hi there,




    When your VPN discs, your "normal internet route" is blocked for selected programs (pathofexile.exe,firefox.exe,...)

    Feel free to donate, his tool is 100% free

    k so I connected to my vpn> open up the lifeguard> change config> put my poe.exe w.e in softwares to managed> check all autorun.  and tried disconnecting my vpn manually 


    what happen is it closes poe client> connects vpn client> then open poe client 


    real problem is it always patch after it opens the poe client. and it just keeps on doing the same thing over and over again and im running out of disk space and it never ends 


    anyone has encounter this? and has a fix?

  6. One thing i forgot

    Depending on how many bots you have in mind to run, a good options its to have more SSD, imagine you want to run 10 for example, the system will be more stable using an SSd for each 5 bots. 64gb SSD are pretty cheap now, so you may add one to your build just to have some extra vm + poe game

    does this helps with lowering cpu usage?

  7. Cold + silent + great performance for 1000$


    Cheap box          - 40$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811133094

    AMD 8350          - 200$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284

    Water Cooler      - 50$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103195

    16Gb Corsair     - 145$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233367

    Asus M5A99FX  - 140$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131851

    240Gb SSD        - 140$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147248

    750W PSU          - 80$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438007

    Giga R7 260x     - 150$ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125486


    Total: 945$


    Imo rigs should be cold and silent.. and i did a computer to last a few years, its not just for bots.

    You have free 55$ to chose a different case, or adjust hardware to your needs, 


    Hope this helps!

    bought this now i can run 8 bots overall on this comp more than 8 having cpu problem xd but thanks for those insights

  8. so my openvpn keeps on getting disconnected and always ask for username password wich i bought on earthvpn. is it possible to get it to autoconnect when dc mode? and is there an option where u can automatically input your password username so u dont have to type it all the time?


    if so need a step by step noobie guide lul thanks

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