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Everything posted by deadmeow5

  1. Whats botting EVE like? I've been considering that for a while. I used to make good money botting gold when Diablo 3 first came out but once the price/mil plummeted I've not found anything half as lucrative. I wouldn't play it or anything. Wondering if it would be worth the cost of buying the game+a bot. I see they have free trials. Is it possible to jump into the game and start botting to make money right away with a trial?
  2. deadmeow5

    Theory for getting detected

    This is interesting to me. I've been rather confused about how people are getting detected. I started botting on my main in very short bursts a while back with both Exiled-Bot and "that other bot" that people are constantly getting banned for. Eventually I stopped really caring about it so now I bot for very long amounts of time (ie, while at work, while asleep, while out, while afk - probably a good 18 hours a day). I've been doing this for like a month now and have yet to be banned or get currency flagged. So I'm betting there is a chance that they do take EVERY aspect of a human player into account, including socializing. I have loads of friends added and played this account manually for almost a year.
  3. deadmeow5

    [Release] Chicken v0.2

    What is the point of this if the bot already has a chicken function? Does this work better than the bot's?
  4. At level 84, I farm The Library since it is level 67. This reduces (or eliminates entirely, I forget) the currency drop penalty you get for being too high of a level over the current zone. Unfortunately the zone can be tough to farm if you don't have good gear. I've got a great set of MF gear for my duelist and I can run it just fine. I've been trying to find a more lucrative area but so far I've just seen sticking with this. Hopefully we will be able to run all the way to Piety soon for those phat loot explosions.
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