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Everything posted by ReverseGravity

  1. ReverseGravity

    Play a sound when X item dropped

    bump. This is the only feature I'm missing atm I'd just like to know when certain things are dropped. It would work also as semi-bot when I'm playing (400 IIR and almost 200 IIQ fills the screen with loot and I spend a lot of time figuring out which item to pick up). PLEASE edit: is it possible to write script that could handle this feature?
  2. ReverseGravity

    Play a sound when X item dropped

    what do you mean? Mind sharing a link?
  3. Just like the title says - it would be nice to have a sound notification when a specified item is dropped. I know the bot is gonna pick it up but I'm always botting when I'm at home so I wanna know when he drops a specific item. Anyone used "D3 loot hunter" ? It does the same job. It could be a new tab called "sound notifications" or smth, with tick boxes to chose which of the items should play the sound you specified.. something like: Play sound when the item is dropped: [X] Exalted Orb [C:\sounds\blabla.wav] [browse] [X] Chaos Orb [C:\sounds\blabla2.wav] [browse] [ ] Chromatic Orb [C:\sounds\blabla3.wav] [browse] [ ] Jeweller's Orb [C:\sounds\blabla4.wav] [browse] [X] Unique Item [C:\sounds\blabla5.wav] [browse]
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